

日期:2018年01月24日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1086
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201708012012266613 论文字数:39587 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
as texts and talk in  social practices. That is, the focus is not on language as an abstract entity such as a lexicon and set of grammatical rules, a system of differences, a set of rules for transforming statements. Instead, it is the medium for interaction; analysis of discourse becomes, then, analysis of what people do.” Additionally, image schema and discourse  stance theory are pr imarily  involved in  analyses of econom ic,  political and educational  discourses, but not  in  sports-related discourses,  especially  in the field of cognitive study. Hopefully, this research will  address this gap and en rich the diversity of cognitive linguistics research. From  this starting point, the present aut hor  is inspired to  conduct a cognitive analysis  on FCTND, wi th  an aim  to  exploring the linguistic elem ents  (such as im age schemata  and stance m arkers)  embedded  in FCTND to exam ine  how FCTND writers compose their news discourses based on the in formation they collect, how they project their positions and other stakeholders’ stances towards certain prospective transfer events, and to identify how the cognitive fram es of discourse consumers come into being under the  influence  of  the  FCTND writers’  linguistic  choices.  Hopefully,  this an alysis  will provide some guidelines for analyzing and  comprehending this kind of business genre (from  my  perspective)  and news articles as well as enhan cing  FCTND writers’  skills during  their  composing  process,  eventually  for  the  purpose  of  filling  the b lank  of academic  researches in sports  transfer  news discourse a nd  facilitating b etter understanding and effective communication.  


2.1   Cross-cultural News Discourse 
In recent years, there is no de nying that constantly growing  interest is directed towards discourse analysis. As a profound disciplinary field, news discourse has been probed into and analyzed from diverse perspectives, by divergent means, to a variety of ends. To my knowledge,  a wealth of achievem ents  has be en  made;  nonetheless still there remains grounds to be covered or simply to be dug deeper with great endeavor. Different  classifying s tandards  will lead  to  various kinds of news discourse. For instance, in terms of the topic whic h is covered, we have politica l news, military news, economic/business news, sports news, entertainment news, science and technology news, etc. Based on the territorial boundary/location where a certain event/news takes place, we have international news, national news, provincial news and local news. Additionally, the styles  for journalism  display a wide range of  variety,  such  as n ews  reports, features , editorials,  etc. Althoug h  this th esis  will onl y  concentrate o n  one sub-v ariety  of news discourse, namely sports news, an investigation  of what have been researched in the pas t will prove worthwhile and hopefully will shed some light on my study.  

2.2   Sports News Discourse 
News is packaged information about current events happening somewhere. News travels through  many  different media,  through word  of m outh,  printing, postal systems, broadcasting, and electronic communication. Common topics for news reports include war, politics, and business, as well as athletic contests, quirky or unusual events, and the doings of celebrities.  G