p;chapter first surveys the literature on image construction and on Jobs, and then proceeds to discuss various limitations of previous studies on this subject.
2.1 Previous Studies on Image Construction
The term image and impression (and the “management” of each) have been used synonymously in the literature (Coombs, 2001). Images and impressions are often used in the same way in definitions. Cheney (1992: 174) defined images as “the broader impressions that are projected by organizations and the perceptions held by the various publics”. Dichter (1985) suggested that an image is the total impression an entity makes on the minds of people. In this study, we follow the definition of image proposed by Newsome, Turk, and Kruckeberg (1989: 364): Entrepreneurs, in some cases CEOs, help define an organization’s image with internal and external stakeholders. Internally, CEOs provide symbolic leadership and personify the organization to members through communication, actions, and values (Grunig, 1993). The importance of the CEO in communications and image making with external stakeholders has long been acknowledged by practitioners and academics. The job description for business leaders has broadened in scope and complexity over time (Pincus, 1987), and many CEOs now see themselves as the chief spokespersons for their organizations, personifying what their companies stand for with external constituencies (Bonfield, 1980; Garbett, 1988; Gaines-Ross, 2000).
2.2 Previous Studies on Jobs
Jobs, as one of the most recognized businessmen in the world, was studied in many fields, for instance, management, leadership studies, organizational behavior, communication etc. According to existing literature, we found that Jobs, known as a presentation wizard and charismatic business leader, was most studied for his presentation skills and leadership style. Gallo, the communication skills coach and Business Week Columnist, wrote a book studying Jobs’s presentation skills, the title of which is The Presentation Secret of Jobs: How to be Insanely Great in Front of Any Audience. Gallo (2009) offered an analysis of Jobs’s presentation style by deconstructing the various keynotes given by Jobs. He organized his book into three acts: Act 1: Create the Story; Act 2: Deliver the Experience; and Act 3: Refine and Rehearse, which mirrors a good presentation structure. Sharma and Grant (2011) claimed that a leader’s storytelling and narrative skills play a cr