

日期:2018年01月26日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1128
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201707141558337453 论文字数:37485 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

1.1 Research Background 
In vocabulary study, the phenomenon of synonymy has been of great interest for both language learners and language teachers. For the former, a lot of evidence has shown that language learners can effectively acquire vocabulary by analogy; in other words, they associate the strange words with the previously acquired items which are similar in  meaning  (Rudska  et  al.  1982,  1985).  For  the  latter,  it  is  a  popular  practice  in pedagogy to explain the strange words in terms of so-called synonyms. Besides, it has been  found  that  a  dominant  feature  shared  by  most  dictionary  texts  is  “definition through synonyms” (Ilson 1991:294-6). Both non-native learners and translators often resort to dictionaries to find lexical alternatives for expressing a particular concept for the  purpose  of  stylistic  variation.  However,  in  view  of  the  misuse  of  synonyms  by non-native learners and translators, it should be of priority to figure out which of the particular  synonyms  offered  by  dictionaries  is  the  most  suitable  one  for  a  given context.  Therefore,  studies  conducted  to  reveal  more  information  about  synonym discrimination from the perspective of semantic features are of great significance.   The  traditional  ways  of  synonym  discrimination  mainly  rely  on  intuition  and subjective deduction. They are inefficient in uncovering the collocational or pragmatic information which according to Sinclair (2004), are the “obligatory components” for mastering  a  lexical  word.  With  the  development  of  corpus  linguistics,  now  it  is possible  to  observe  the  actual  collocational  behaviour  of  synonyms  by  using  large corpora,  which,  to  a  large  extent,  eliminates  the  subjective  factors  of  traditional methods.  The  corpus-based  synonym  discrimination  can  provide  lots  of  quantitative data  that  the  traditional  ways  cannot  provide.  And  the  qualitative  analysis  based  on these  quantitative  features  can  thus  bring  us  a  more  reliable  research  result. 

1.2 Rationale 
Firstly,  as  an  important  language  phenomenon  discovered  and  studied  by  corpus linguistics, semantic prosody has proved an effective and reliable way in discriminate near-synonyms. According to Louw (1993), semantic prosody is a “consistent aura of meaning  with  which  a  form  is  imbued  by  its  collocates”  with  its  implications  of  a transfer  of  meaning  to  a  given  word  from  its  habitual  co-text.  Many  hidden associations affecting the neutrality of language can be observed by corpus linguistics. For example, it is found that largely occurs more frequently with negative collocates while  broadly  appears  more  frequently  with  positive  ones  (Tognini-Bonelli  2001). Therefore,  semantic  prosody  can  serve  to  reveal  the  similarities  and  differences  of near-synonyms from the perspective of affective coloring.   S