

日期:2018年01月25日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1205
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201707232215053153 论文字数:37418 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

1.1 Research Topic 
Chairman’s  statements,  as  one  of  the  accounting  narratives,  are  relatively  new phenomena.  In  1973,  the  American  Institute  of  Certified  Public  Accountants  (AICPA) recommended  that  financial  statements  should  not  be  limited  solely  to  quantified information.  Amplification,  in  narrative  form,  of  data  included  in  financial  statements may  be  required.  Currently,  it  is  rare  to  find  an  annual  report  which  does  not  contain extensive  narratives.  These  narratives  are  now  encouraged  by  the  regulatory  authorities (for  example,  the  management  discussion  and  analysis  section  is  mandatory  in  the  US and the operating and financial review is recommended in the UK). The Companies Act of  South  Africa  in1973  requires  that  a  company’s  financial  statements  must  be accompanied  by  a  narrative  report,  i.e.  the  director’s  report,  complementing  and explaining  the  main  features  underlying  the  results  and  financial  position  (Cilliers, Rossouw and Mans, 1995).    With  the  development  of  technology,  many  high-tech  companies  emerge  and  go bankruptcy. This industry is highly changeable. The scale of emerging companies become bigger and they intend to get listed to get more funding from the public and enlarge their scale.  All  of  these  companies  have  to  use  chairman’s  statement  to  manage  their companies’ image in profitable and unprofitable times.   In  spite  of  the  increasing  importance  of  chairman’s  statement,  little  research  has been done in this area, let alone comparative study on chairman’s statements of technical companies. Therefore, the author chooses this topic to give a more clear view of this area.  

1.2 Rationale and Significance
The  current  study  mainly  focuses  on  text  analysis,  especially  semantic  level  from  the linguistic view, focusing on identifying the interpersonal meaning of chairman statement. The rationale and significance of the study can be illustrated in the following aspects.   First  and  foremost,  the  author  intends  to  analyze  the  interpersonal  meaning  of chairman  statement.  Different  from  the  financial  figures  and  reports,  chairman’s statement  has  more  interpersonal  meanings.  Chairman’s  statement  is  written  by  the chairman  assisted  by  a  firm’s  top  executives  and  other  department  to  its  shareholders  to provide a broad overview of the firm’s operations throughout the year. It covers the firm’s basic financial results, its current position in the market, and some of its future plans. The interpersonal  meaning  of  the  chairman’s  statement  is  important  since  it  decides  a company’s  image.  So  the  author  tries  to  find  the  effective  way  that  companies communicate with rela