

日期:2018年05月29日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2648
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201404161149259710 论文字数:36200 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
maintains that the meaning of an expression is general when it does not specifycertain details. These two definitions are similar essentially.As to ambivalence and ambiguity, Zhang Qiao (1998, p. 29) maintains thatambivalence refers to the state of having or showing both good and bad feelingsabout somebody or something, or being not sure whether you want or like somethingor not. It’s most likely resulted from polysemy, homonymy or homograph. Shi Anshi(1993, pp. 55-56) holds that ambiguity appears when a word or a sentence has morethan one interpretations and results in misunderstanding. Two more similardefinitions about ambiguity are: Zhang Qiao (1998, p. 31) claims that ambiguousexpressions have more then one semantically unrelated meaning; Saeed (2000, p. 60) considers that ambiguity happens when a phonological or orthographic form hasmultiple meanings assigned by the language system and a typical example ispolysemy. In addition, when distinguishing vagueness from ambiguity, JoannaChannell (2000, p. 35) maintains that ambiguity is identified where a sentence hastwo or more competing but distinct meanings attached to it, while vagueness is seenwhere distinct meanings cannot be identified.

2.2 Classification of Hedges
Zadeh (1972, pp. 4-34) holds that there are two categories of hedges. In the firsttype, they are words which can be approximated by an operator acting on a singlefuzzy set. In the second type, the effect of the hedge is a little more complicated,requiring a description of the manner in which the involved component is modified.Later, he further classifies hedges into four types: Approximators can change the original meaning of one utterance to a certaindegree or roughly give an alterative range to the utterance according to actualsituations. So they can affect the truth conditions of a proposition, even changing orcancelling its original meaning. Furthermore, approximators can be subdivided intoadaptors and rounders. Adaptors can modify the degree of utterances and reveal thetruth degree of propositions. Partially-correct propositions or utterances, which aremodified by adaptors, would be much closer and more appropriate to the fact or realsituation than completely-correct ones. Such adaptors include sort of, kind of, a littlebit, almost, really, more or less, in a sense and so on. Rounders can bring a certainrange to the utterance, mostly about measuring and making accurate numbers fuzzyor general, such as around, about, or so, nearly, perhaps, roughly, etc.

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework……23
3.1 Making Choices.....23
3.2 Three Properties of Language........24
3.3 Four Angles of Investigation....26
3.4 Hedge and Adaptation Theory......31
Chapter Four An Adaptation Approach to Hedges........33
4.1 Description and Classification of Data......33
4.2 Adaptation to the Communication Context......36
4.3 Adaptation to the Structure......43
4.3.1 Sound Structure Adaptation......43
4.3.2 Communicative Style Adaptation....45
4.4 Dynamic Process of Negotiation through Hedges........46
4.5 Salience of Adaptation.......49
4.5.1 Different Degrees of Salience.........49
4.5.2 Salience Concerning Participants......50
4.6 Pragmatic Functions of Hedges.....52
4.7 Summary....54