

日期:2018年04月29日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1552
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201804161910077570 论文字数:2385 所属栏目:论文提纲
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文格式 Paper format

    0.1 Salman Rushdie and Midnight's Children
    0.2 Literature Review
    0.3 Significance of the Thesis
Chapter One The Carnival Rhetoric in Midnight's Children
    1.1 Carnival Language
        1.1.1 Language of Heteroglossia
        1.1.2 Linguistic Deviation
    1.2 Carnival Rhetorical Devices
        1.2.1 The Use of Metaphor
        1.2.2 The Use of Satire
        1.2.3 The Use of Pun
    1.3 Sum-up
Chapter Two The Carnival Characters in Midnight's Children
    2.1 Women's Carnivalesque Acts
        2.1.1 Widow
        2.1.2 Witch
        2.1.3 Unfaithful Wives
    2.2 Saleem's Carnivalesque Acts
        2.2.1 Grotesque Appearance and Eccentric Behavior
        2.2.2 Turning into Clown
        2.2.3 Crowning and Uncrowning
    2.3 Sum-up
Chapter Three Intertextual Dialogue in Midnight's Children
    3.1 Intertextual Dialogue between History and the Text
        3.1.1 National Allegory
        3.1.2 Fictionalization of National History
    3.2 Intertextual Dialogue between Pretexts and the Text
        3.2.1 Borrowings from Western Culture
        3.2.2 Borrowings from Indian Culture
    3.3 Intertextual Dialogue within the Text
        3.3.1 Palimpsest
        3.3.2 Polyphony
    3.4 Sum-up

This conclusion

Focusing on contemporary forms of narrative, Hutcheon argues that postmodernistfiction embodies several carnivalesque structures. Firstly, in its metafictional preoccupationsand its tendency to foreground the artifice of literary construction, contemporary narrativeenacts a carnivalesque rebellion against the official ideology of realism (Hutcheon, 1988:83-4)。 Secondly, contemporary fiction has succeeded in blurring the distinction between highand popular culture, incorporating “comic books, Hollywood movies, popular songs, andpornography” (Hutcheon, 1988: 87)。 Thirdly, there is a tendency for contemporary fiction todraw on sexual and erotic imagery, and thus to appeal to the material bodily principle of thecarnivalesque. For Hutcheon, Bakhtin's notion of the carnivalesque provides a potent meansof characterizing postmodern literary techniques. Bakhtin's carnival theory thus facilitates anappropriate lens through which readers can explore the political potential of postmodernist artin that the playfulness and conviviality inherent in carnival theory seems to miniature thepostmodern condition.
Carnival is manifested in a variety of ways, either in the grotesque and dualism oflanguage and character, or the dialogue and polyphony of textual structure. Nevertheless,taken as a whole, Bakhtin's carnival theory is based on the fact that on the one hand, he takesfolk culture as a corporeal drama in which birth, growing, eating, drinking, evacuation,excretion and death are on show successively and on the other hand, he formulates a myth ofambivalence that denies the end by sublimating death through laughter. Materialism andambivalence thus can be taken as two starting point of Bakhtin's carnival theory. By ridiculingspiritualism, death, definiteness and finiteness, folk culture seeks to suspend the dualism ofmind and matter, extend the hegemony of authoritarian institutions and materialize hisUtopian dream. In the Utopian world, the boundary of hierarchy is transgressed and people ofdifferent social status are allowed to make a dialogue. Bakhtin's carnival theory, in thatconcern, gi