论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
based on observer in this paper. The main content has two parts:In the first part, for a class of nonlinear system with disturbances, we design the state observer to estimate the unknown state and advance the scheme of robust indirect adaptive fuzzy making use of the H∞control theory and the characteristic of fuzzy logic is universal approximation. Finally, we prove that the states of the closed loop systems are uniformly bounded and the tracking error is attenuated to an arbitratily desired level via H∞tracking design technique. The main results are that (1) http://www.51lunwen.org/kzgc/2012/0306/lw201203060843555904.html It is not required to assume that estimation error has a known boundary or satisfies square integral conditions and even it is not required that the states of the system are full observable. It is supposed that the boundary of estimation error and external disturbance are unknown. The online computational burden is greatly reduced since only uncertainty bounds are tuned online. (2) In the first part, we discuss the state observer can transform into tracking error observer and the parameters of adaptive law designed is simple but also bounded. The effect that function approximation error and the external disturbances have on the tracking error is compensated by means of the robust conortller designed. The presented scheme guarantees that H∞tracking performance is aehieved.In the second part, an adaptive robust fuzzy control method is proposed for a class of uncertain MIMO nonlinear systems with disturbances. we design the state observer to estimate the unknown state. The effect that function approximation error and the external disturbances have on the tracking error is compensated by means of the robust controller designed. For the case that the parameter adjustment of adaptive fuzzy control uses only the tracking error and leads to the low convergence rate of the tracking. The second part the adaptive law utilizes the tracking error and approximation error in the adaptive fuzzy control system. And the theory analysis and