

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4086
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201008142208436082 论文字数:4000 所属栏目:会计毕业论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
ort and Key Skills Statement should be word processed on A4 paper and presented in a plastic folder/wallet and clipped together in some way. Students should note that if they fail to meet any particular submission deadline, for any reason, then they should delay submission until the next period.
1.3. ACCA Membership Requirements
This Project enables you to record evidence of experience for purposes of the Oxford Brookes degree only and does not count towards ACCA membership. Further training regulations apply for membership purposes.
You are required to:
• Write a business related Research and Analysis Project Report (up to 5000 words)
• Participate in three meetings with your mentor, (see page 4), which will involve you in writing a progress update and delivering an oral presentation
• Reflect on your meetings with your mentor and write a Key Skills Statement (up to 1,500 words)
• Submit both the Research and Analysis Project report and the Key Skills Statement bound as one piece of work to Oxford Brookes. Do not submit the two documents separately.
2.1. Reporthttp://www.51lunwen.org/kjbylw/
The Research and Analysis Project Report should be on a business-related topic (see page 9) which will demonstrate your ability to gather information, analyse the information you have collected and draw conclusions from your research. Relevant spreadsheets must also be printed out and included within the project to show evidence of IT skills (see page 6). A sample printout of the formulae for part of the spreadsheet is the best evidence for this and is highly recommended.
Your Report must be in four sections as set out below:
• Topic chosen and its context
• Your reasons for choosing the topic
• Aims and objectives of the report
• Sources used, and reasons for their use (these must be secondary and may be primary)
• Description of methods used to gather information
• Analysis of information
• Presentation of findings
• What the report has shown in relation to aims and objectives
Guidance on the length of each section is given below. Please bear in mind that these are suggested word counts rather than requirements. However, the overall total of 5,000 words must not be exceeded. Oxford Brookes University reserves the right to fail any projects over 5000 words.
The 5000 word limit excludes the contents page, the appendices and the bibliography. However, your appendices should not consist of more than five sides of A4 including your spreadsheet data. There is no specific requirement on line spacing.
a) Introduction +
b) Information gathering up to 1500 words
c) Analysis up to 2500 words
d) Conclusions up to 1000 words
NB: Your total word count for the Report should be indicated on the title page of your Report for submission to Oxford Brookes University, and on your Submission Form.
2.2. Choosing Your Mentor
Your mentor will monitor your progress throughout this Project. He/she will be asked to verify your participation in the three meetings as set out on this page and confirm that the report has been carried out in accordance with the University’s regulations1.
It is your responsibility to find someone to act as your mentor and to arrange three meetings with him/her. It is not possible for Oxford Brookes to provide a mentor for you.
Ideally your mentor will be a line manager or partner in the firm or practice where you are or have been working, or your college/university tutor.
The person you choose should be one of the following:
• A qualified Ch