

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:10062
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201006081719481437 论文字数:2000 所属栏目:会计毕业论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction
ode in accounting firm industry and short time.The dissertation proposed some corresponding countermeasures of merged culture in China. To begin with, we can utilize the harmonious view of the Confucianism culture and put forward to "harmonious but dissimilar" in the harmonious view in which acknowledges difference and get a mutual respect. Secondly, it presented to make an integration group of culture in order to assist and supervise the merged culture. Thirdly, it suggested using CIS design in processing whole combination of spiritual culture, behavior culture and material culture. Finally, to establish the people-oriented culture system focusing on employees by creating a good cooperation atmosphere, building effective motivation system, increasing the loyalty of employees, stimulating the enthusiasm, creativities and team work spirit of staff and motivating the internal driving force. The author hopes that the countermeasures above can get merged culture penetrate everyone's mind deeply and realize the vision of prospering and flourishing the marketing of accountant firms in China. 

会计毕业论文目录格式 会计师事务所合并文化探析

摘要 7-9
Abstract 9-11
0. 引言 11-18
    0.1 研究的背景及意义 11
    0.2 文献综述 11-16
    0.3 研究思路和方法 16-17
    0.4 论文框架 17-18
1. 会计师事务所合并文化概述 18-21
    1.1 文化、企业文化和合并文化 18-19
    1.2 合并文化与管理的辩证关系 19-20
    1.3 合并文化的趋同性和融合性 20-21
        1.3.1 合并文化的趋同性 20
        1.3.2 合并文化的融合性 20-21
2. 会计师事务所合并文化结构 21-24
    2.1 核心层:合并精神文化 21-22
    2.2 中层:合并行为文化 22
    2.3 外层:合并物质文化 22-24
3. 我国会计师事务所合并文化存在的主要问题及原因分析 24-29
    3.1 会计师事务所合并文化存在的主要问题 24-25
        3.1.1 合并后的事务所“貌合神离”,缺少凝聚力 24
        3.1.2 过分注重经济利益,缺乏诚信 24-25
        3.1.3 合并后的事务所形象没有标准化 25
    3.2 会计师事务所合并文化存在问题的原因分析 25-29
        3.2.1 中国传统文化不利因素的影响 25-27
        3.2.2 缺乏专门进行合并文化整合的机构和人员 27