
基于.NET MVC3与AJAX技术的校园论坛的设计与实现

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2265
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201301310951153758 论文字数:12823 所属栏目:计算机论文范文
论文地区: 论文语种:中文 论文用途:在职硕士毕业论文 On-the-job master's thesis

论文题目:基于.NET MVC3与AJAX技术的校园论坛的设计与实现
补充要求和说明:1.不需要建模; 2.我已经有开题报告; 3.参考文献格式按国内大学硕士要求; 4.参考文献数量40篇,至少有1/3是国外文献; 5.无; 6.Word格式; 7.计算机工程硕士毕业论文;


基于.NET MVC3与AJAX技术的校园论坛的设计与实现


Ajax利用JAVA Script作为事件的总控制器,采用异步传输机制综合对DOM树进行处理,与服务器进行交互,将交互结果以事先设定好的数据传输方式返回客户端预留的DOM中,显示给客户。
论文在Ajax技术的组成、实现原理、.NET MVC框架模型等进行了深入的分析研究基础上讨论如何将Ajax技术与.NET相结合,分析怎样从系统框架的角度将两者有机的融合起来,着重探讨实现Ajax技术的jQuery框架与.NET中间件的结合。采用软件工程理论结合实际项目的开发,基于Ajax技术的系统开发并研发,其中重点讨论了怎样利用jQuery实现系统数据的交互,实际应用证明了这种基于Ajax技术的系统具有清晰结构,高效执行,稳定的优点。




Web applications by offering a rich user interface http://www.51lunwen.org/jsjlwfw/ and good maintainability become increasingly popular. However, the traditional model of Web applications developed, there are many problems, such as response rates slow, consuming resources, poor user experience. Therefore, a new model of development technologies Web applications Ajax is becoming a research hotspot.
Ajax technology into the asynchronous processing mode, in order to achieve partial page refresh, so the process of interaction with the server directly to receive the required data, so that we can reduce the load on the server side, the client's response rate is greatly improved. Web1.0 era of client can only display data to achieve a  feature most of the business logic of the deal with all by the server to complete, This is tantamount to increasing the load on the server side, with the introduction of Ajax technology, a good solution to this problem , so that the transfer of most of the business logic to the client to deal with, and in accordance with the demand to show up with CSS to achieve the power of desktop applications can be realized only if the effect of, Ajax is a completely overturn the traditional concept.
Ajax the use of JAVA Script as a general controller of events, using asynchronous transfer mechanism integrated processing of the DOM tree, to interact with the server, the interactive results are pre-configured data transmission returned to the client DOM, set aside to show to the customer. The main work of this paper are: B / S system, Use of Ajax technology to achieve a Art BBS System.
Paper in the composition of Ajax technology, implementation principle, .NET framework of the models in-depth analysis of research-based discussion on how to combine Ajax technology and .NET to analyze how the system framework from the perspective of an organic integration of the two together, focusing on the realization of Ajax Technology Framework and .NET middleware jQuery combination. Use of software engineering to integrate theory with actual project development, based on Ajax technology, system development into the research and development, which focused on how to use jQuery to achieve system data interaction, practical application show that this system based on Ajax technology, with a clear structure, efficient implementation, stability advantages.
In the paper the end of the study of the results of the design work to give an affirmative and weaknesses and the need to break the technical bottlenecks are summarized.

Key Words  BBS;Ajax technology;.NET

目    录

摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 课题背景及意义 1
1.2 课题研究方向以及发展现状 2
1.2.1 论坛系统的国内研究现状 2
1.2.2 论坛系统的国外研究现状 2
1.2.3 校园网论坛的技术特点 2
1.3 论文主要研究工作 3
1.4 论文的结构安排 3
第2章 校园网论坛实现的关键技术 4
2.1 Web2.0体系结构 4
2.2 .NET FW4.0体系结构与最新技术 4
2.3 ADO.NET技术