
ECM:Surface characterisation and crevice corrosion behaviourof nickel-based alloys in the paper industry

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2721
论文价格:200元/篇 论文编号:lw201104081032182802 论文字数:3124 所属栏目:计算机英语论文
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis

The reference material 316L SS was found to be highly
susceptible to crevice attack in the paper machine white
water environment. A remarkable crevice corrosion
resistance was observed for nickel-based alloys. Alloy
C-276 and alloy 59 exhibit superior performance in this
medium. With the increase in pH and temperature, the
crevice corrosion resistance was found to be improved
on comparison with 316L SS. The increased resistance to
crevice attack exerted by nickel alloys can be attributed
to the stabilisation of the passive ®lms formed on the
surface by the speci®c alloying elements Cr, Ni and Mo,
as revealed by XPS results. The passive layer contains
Cr2O3 in the inner layers and Cr(OH)3 as the major
constituent in the outermost layer. The presence of Mo
and its oxides further establishes its role in increasing the
corrosion resistance. The nickel concentration beneath
the passive layer was also found to be increased due to
anodic segregation, which can aid intermetallic com-
pound formation. This intermetallic layer, along with
the passive ®lm enriched with stable MoO4
2) species,
resulted in reduced anodic dissolution, providing an
enriched source of oxide-forming metallic species di-
rectly beneath the passive ®lm and hence improvement
in the corrosion resistance of the nickel alloys.
Acknowledgements One of the authors (K.S.K.D) acknowledges
the CSIR, New Delhi, for ®nancial assistance and Dr. Santhanu
Bera, WSCL, BARC facilities, Kalpakkam, for his help in ac-
quiring XPS data.
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