
全球化的工作流程表:Globalization Workflow Statement of Work

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2755
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201102111143067735 论文字数:1439 所属栏目:计算机英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:职称论文 Thesis for Title
tion program manager responsible for that customer's product line
then retrieves files and submits them via one of the above processes.
• Translation project managers resource vendors and manage schedules.
• A glossary is created if the project is new, or Sun's existing glossary is shared
with vendors.
• Vendors translate.
• Internal and external reviewers suggest changes to terminology. Sometimes
the reviewers are linguists that specialize in a product line, at other times they
are SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) whose main jobs are not as linguists.
• For software projects, localization experts check for consistency between
software and documents.
• For software, localization testers perform functional tests.
• Files are finalized by vendors.
• Translation memory is stored.
• Files are deployed.
• Occasionally, internal customers go directly to vendors and do not leverage
the processes established by Sun's Globalization Group.
2.5 Components
The current and emerging Sun globalization workflow system interfaces with the
following components:
• Interwoven content management system, with Teamsite, customized for
specific Sun marketing content
• Multiple content management systems storing documentation, and other
content types (for example, Sibersafe).
• A proprietary internal financial application with globalization reporting
capabilities (see Section 2.1).
• Glossary tools: an open source repository and glossary management system.
• An internal localization engineering tool (ULA) that looks for updated software
message files from software CVS/SCCS workspace and generates .ula files
with all new messages for translation once a certain state is reached. When
the .ula files are translated, ULA automatically regenerates translated files
and check the files back into the SVS/SCCS workspace.
• Existing translation memory assets from SunTrans, Trados, and Sun's third
party workflow solution.
Sun Confidential and Proprietary 3 10/09/06
2.6 Existing Globalization Process
See Appendix A for a diagram of the existing Globalization process.
3. Changes Needed
The following is a high level set of changes that Sun wants in an improved workflow
solution. A full set of requirements will be presented at the Request for Proposal
(RFP) phase.
3.1 Consolidate Translation Memory Format
The Globalization group uses 3 main translation memory formats which are not
100% interchangeable. All three formats are TMX compliant. Sun Microsystems is
looking for one tool that
• can handle all of our supported file types and all of our user scenarios,
• can integrate with Sun's content management and other back-end systems.
The translation memory must be Sun-owned and must not reside with a vendor.
3.2 Increase User Efficiency
Sun Microsystems is looking for a tool that is more efficient, more extensible, and
more easily configured than our existing systems.
• Tool must support collaboration with open source communities.
• This tool should also provide up-front pricing based on preset vendor
negotiated pricing and file types.
• In addition, this tool/system must support all of Sun's existing file types and
must have the capability to add new file types as they are introduced.
3.3 Increase Customer Satisfaction
An important Sun objective in evaluating new globalization workflow technology is
to increase Sun's internal customer satisfaction. Sun's internal customers want