
Corporate Social Responsibility in a Free Market Economy

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:3713
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw200707090907041773 论文字数:5879 所属栏目:国际商法论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment

Society's expectations and pressure from different interested groups & media are gradually changing the role of businesses. Therefore, the challenge for business organization is to maintain and/or increase profit complying with law and respond to the new social demand at the same time. In a free market economy, managing these two issues, which seem to contradict to each other, requires the development and implementation of strategies that will have positive impact for both the corporation and the society. In the light of today's emerging global free economy society, corporate social responsibility (CSR) is looking as a way to contribute societal, environmental & economic goals. Although there has been countless studies undertaken on CSR, its appropriateness/application in a free market economy has rarely been undertaken. The challenges faced in attempting to relate different types of social responsibilities within free market economy could be said as a unique endeavor. Therefore, this study will be a valuable contribution in the field of CSR. In addition, due to the growing emphasis on "good corporate citizenship", business's commitments to bring changes that are aligned with organizational reform are also growing. More importantly, the study acts as a window through which business organizations would be able to understand CSR more clearly and could practice. Moreover, the research would help business to place all of their activities on a CSR continuum, and in planning, implementing & measuring their social responses as well as what factors business firms must consider in planning CSR initiatives & factors limit their level of involvement. Lastly, the study will hopefully contribute to deeper critical insight into the current endeavor of enhancing CSR by business organizations around the world.

1 题目选择
Are the concepts of corporate personality and limited liability with their exceptions allowing the corporate veil to be lifted, appropriate in the modern world for both major multi-national corporations and small enterprises?

How appropriate is the application of the concept of separate corporate personality to a group of companies when a claim is made against the holding company by an “involuntary” creditor such as a tort victim on the basis of the conduct or liabilities of a subsidiary?

Does the approach of the UK to takeovers of listed or quoted companies assist in ensuring sound corporate governance?

What is the role of institutional investors in the corporate governance of companies?

Can internal systems based on board structure and composition deal with problems of corporate governance?

Should the legal duties owed by directors to their company reflect only the interests of shareholders or should there be some concern with the interests of other stakeholders?

How far have the key objectives of the European Union’s company law harmonisation directives been met to date?

How far have the judgments of the European Court of Justice in the  line of cases including cases C-212/97 Centros, C-208/00 Uberseering and C-167/01 Inspire Art undermined the power of member states to apply the “real seat” approach to the domicile of companies?

How close is the European Union’s Financial Services Action Plan to achieving its objectives?

Critically assess the main issues raised by the EU Regulation and Directive on the creation of a European Company (SE)?

How far does the “nexus of contracts” theory of companies allow the interests of groups other than the shareholders and the interests of the wider society to be served by the company?

In what ways, if at all, would the various theories about companies influence the rules of law applied to companies were they applied by legislators?

How far is the concept of corporate social responsibility consistent with a free market economy?

课程:International Regulation of Companies
截稿时间:开题报告 ----