

日期:2019年10月15日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1726
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201910091128078411 论文字数:35622 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
ocess of information from memories, namely, tomemorize all the contents needed to be remembered by repeatedly reading therelevant materials, and to recite it exactly as the original words. It is the only approachto establish and consolidate the imprint from the brain nerve center, and it is also animportant means to complete the transition from perceptual knowledge to rationalknowledge.

Recitation input is one of the most effective ways to learn a language inChina. The recitation process steps with listening, speaking, reading, memorizing andother functions at the same time, which can strongly stimulate the development ofcerebral cortex and brain. It also plays a positive role in the teaching of language. AsLin (1982) once claimed that imitating and reciting was the only right way to learnEnglish. Imitate the whole sentence and practice repeatedly, so that we could blurt outat right time. It was called recitation. It is also proclaimed by Professor and educatorHu (1994) that the habit of language was gradually developed by imitation. To imitate,one must learn to memorize and recite. Otherwise, imitation is impossible. Recitation is a traditional way for Chinese learners to learn, and has always played a positive rolein language education.

There is some misunderstanding about recitation, though. Firstly, recitationis considered rote learning. As a matter of fact, recitation is a memory on the basis ofunderstanding, while rote learning is a mechanical memory, which is easily apt toforget. Therefore, recitation is not identical to rote memorization.


2.2 English Writing

This section deals with English writing and it consists the definition and psychologyof English writing.

2.2.1 The Definition of English Writing

Li (1994) advocated that writing was an important way to record things, expressemotions and exchange information with written language and proper form.

The purpose of writing is to express the inner feelings of the writer and toexchange the information with others. Writing should be careful with intention,strategy, form, diction, sentence-making, literary style, as well as the accuracy oflanguage used in the text.

Writing ability is affected by many factors, such as language expressionability, imagination ability and thinking ability. Writing reflects the comprehensiveability of a person. In writing class, students often focus on teacher’s explanation byanalyzing various classical articles. Teachers should constantly provide guides for thestudents to acquire writing skills so that the students can write creative articles.What’s more, further practice and imitation is required for the students to exerciseafter class.

2.2.2 Psychology of Writing

From the psychological point of view, writing is not only a process of comprehensiveusage of language, but also a cognitive process. Xu (2008) pointed out that writing asan output activity was the result of the individual and cooperative work of variouscognitive systems in the brain. It was a transmission process of the information ofobjective things from the real world to the brain, and the responses would be sentfrom the brain to organs and tissues. The brain monitoring system, knowledge system,strategy system, and expression system took part in this complex process. The writtenwords were the results of this comprehensive output process.
