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培养初中学生英语批判性阅读能力的研究 - 初中英语教学 - 无忧论文网



日期:2018年01月28日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2183
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201705111948093998 论文字数:33511 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis

In English teaching, reading is considered to be the most important part of the fiveskills. At the same time, reading ability is one of the main standards to test the level ofstudents‘language proficiency.According to the observation of English reading class, it is found that in today‘sEnglish class, students are passive learning and lack of active thinking, they only acceptthe knowledge taught by the teachers. Teachers pay more attention to how to let thestudents memorize words, phrases and useful expressions, some of them seldom payattention to the meanings and the author‘s intention in the article. The students just stiffly master some words, phrases and sentences. Students are absolutely ignorant ofthe text structure and the views of implication, and evaluate their own text.The English compulsory education curriculum standard (2011) puts forward fivegoals for students‘ reading. For junior high school students, when entering junior 3, the students need to achieve level 5 on reading.Here are some detailed descriptors for level 5 on reading. Students should be able to infer and understand the meaning of the new words according to the context and word formation and understand the logical relationship between the sentences in the passage. Students should be able to find out the theme of the article, understand the plotof the story and predict the development of the plot and the possible outcome. Students should be able to read the appropriate level of the common style of books and uses imple reading strategies to get information for different purposes. Students should beable to use the dictionary and other tools to read and students‘ extracurricular reading should be accumulated to more than 150 thousand words.In addition, in the current high school entrance examination, direct reading comprehension questions account for 20 points, indirect items like Cloze and Task-based reading account for 20 points, they account for 40% of the total score.Therefore, the reading ability has a direct impact on the students‘ test scores and thesubsequent study.



2.1 Definitions of Critical Reading

Traditional English reading teaching focuses on the students‘ language knowledgeand language skills, is often lack of the cultivation of students‘ reading ability. Most ofthe students have no condition to accept the text of the view. They are less likely toanalyze the information of the text and rarely questioned and evaluated. Critical readingis different from the traditional receptive reading. It is not the so-called sarcastic andnegative. It pursues high level and deep reading, which is a kind of positive andpersonalized reading. Critical reading emphasizes the self - consciousness and self -control in the reading process, actively construct knowledge through the constantdialogue, communication with the author and form their own point of view.At present, critical reading has been widely used in linguistics and education, andmany scholars have stressed the need to study and teach critical reading. Many scholarsemphasize on the research and teaching of critical reading. In the west, from elementaryschool, students are encouraged to think independently, to the University, criticalreading has become a required course. The critical reading teaching in China isgradually being valued by people.For critical reading, scholars have a number of different definitions, which can bedescribed as benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom.In the late1970s,the United States has set off a campaign of educational reformwith the focus of critical thinking. Critical reading, as an effective way to developcritical thinking, has begun to receive widespread attention and research. Hafner (1974)defines critical reading as a process of thinking, in which readers are discussing theproblem of enlightening to learn how to use language and understand concepts. In 1979,British linguists Roger Fowler and Kress published