

日期:2018年01月29日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2149
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201703262142581829 论文字数:37688 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
unconsciousness learning is the most effective way of language learning and heemphasized that “not ‘English for communication’ but ‘English throughcommunication’; not ‘learn English so that you will be able to do and say things later’but ‘do and say things now so that as a result you will learn English’” which means“learning by doing”.(Xu, 2014) And he identified three types of tasks in his project:information-gap tasks, opinion-gap tasks and reasoning-gap tasks. Information-gapmeans that the learners share or exchange the information with partners bycommunicating. Reasoning-gap means that learners deal with the known informationto get new information by logic inference. Opinion-gap shows the viewpoints, favoriteor attitude of the learners by using the target language. Although there are defects inPrabhu’s teaching practice, it is of great help and laid a solid foundation for thefollowing researchers about second language acquisition and the development of TBLT.

Chapter Three Theoretical Framework............... 13

3.1 The Theoretical Foundation of TBLT....... 13
3.1.1 LanguageAcquisition Theory..............13
3.1.2 Interactive Hypothesis and Output Hypothesis...........14
3.1.3 Social Constructivist Theory...........15
3.2 Features of TBLT........... 16
3.3 Principles of TBLT.............17
Chapter Four Methodology................21
4.1 Research Questions.......21
4.2 Participants.........21
4.3 Instruments.....22
Chapter Five Results and Discussion.........25
5.1 Research Procedures................ 25
5.2 Presentation of Results..............31
5.3 Discussion of Results..................45

Chapter Five Results and Discussion

5.1 Research Procedures

Before the experiment, the pre-questionnaires are given to the students in EC andCC. The aims of the pre questionnaires is to find out students’ interests, confidence,motivation, anxiety feelings and other element in learning oral English. And theauthor also gives the same oral English pre-tests to the students in the two classes toexamine the oral English level of the students. The shortcomings and problems thatexist in the students’ oral English will be found out. And then, the author designed thetasks and activities according to the principles of TBLT for EC in the process ofimplementation. The tasks and activities are designed to improve the students’ oralEnglish effectively.The author uses Willis’ teaching model for TBLT in EC which contains threestages namely pre-task, cycle task (during-task) and language focus (post-task). Theadvantage of this model is that it could give the students more chances to learnEnglish. The implementation of TBLT all depends on the task designing while the taskdesigning must abide by the principles of TBLT. The task designing is the key point ofTBLT and the purpose of the task is mainly to cultivate students competence oflanguage using and facilitate the development of attitude, enthusiasm in languagelearning. So the teachers should design tasks scientifically and flexibly. In addition,the tasks designing should depend on the principles we have introduced in chapterthree. And the following figure shows the procedures in TBLT class.

5.2 Presentation of Results

Table 5.1 is the results of pre-questionnaires from EC and CC. According to thetable above, we could find out the students’ attitudes, interests and other opinionstoward oral English. The first question in the pre-questionnaire wants to survey thestudents’opinion about the importance of oral English. The results show that 33.3%of the students in EC think that ora