

日期:2018年02月03日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1814
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201611181813549280 论文字数:50533 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
Thus, it has the property of multimodal discourse.

2.2 Vocabulary Teaching

Vocabulary teaching is the teaching process which regard vocabulary as theteaching content, and is based on the unders tanding and output of the tar get words.However, the content of vocabulary teaching involves not only the single word itself,but also its pragmatic meaning and co llocation. Laufer (1995) proposed thatvocabulary learning might developed from the surface to the deep level in differentlearning periods, in stead of a simple accumulation of words. Therefore, teachersshould develop students’ ability to learn words com prehensively and use themflexibly.The main factors of vocabulary teaching are the pronunciation, form, andmeaning of words, among which the former two are the basic elements for words todistinguish from each other. When teaching vocabulary, teachers should pay attentionto the unity of the pronunciation and spelling of words. It is of great help if students can match some sound with some certain forms. As for the meaning of words, it is notless important than its pronunciation and form. And most scholars agreed that learnersshould master not only the definition of a word in dictionary but also its collocation,social meaning, affective meaning, and so on, which will be discussed in detail later.

Chapter 3 Methodology......................33

3.1 Research Questions..................33
3.2 Subjects ...........................33
3.3 Instrum ents...............34 
Chapter 4 The First-roundAction Research............ 37
4.1 Identifying Problems......................37
4.2 Making theAction Plan ......................40
4.3 Im plementing theAction Plan ...............40
4.4 Reflection and Evaluation............................44 
Chapter 5 The Second-roundAction Research..................... 55
5.1 Identifying Problems...........................55
5.2 Adjustment of theAction Plan................55
5.3 Im plementing theAction Plan ...............56
5.4 Reflection and Evaluation..................59

Chapter 5 The Second-round Action Research

5.1 Identifyi ng Problems

On the basis of the results of first-r ound action research, the researcher finds that there are still some problems during the application of multimodal teaching modetovocabulary teaching, which need to be studied in this round.First of all, students’ attention may be distracted by the fancy fonts, pictures,and videos. Therefore, they can’t engage themselves in the learning content intently.Secondly, there are also som e problems in students’ word spelling. Students’spelling mistake is reduced, but it’s not obvious enough.Furthermore, the time spent in developing students’ vocabulary learningstrategies is insufficient.

5.2 Adjustment of theAction Plan

Stages One: The researcher stud ies students’ learning situation and identifiesthe problems that appear in the application of multimodal teaching mode tovocabulary teaching in the first-round action research.Stage Two: The researcher adjusts the action plan according to the results of the first-round action research andtheproblem appeared in it. Then she appliesmultimodal to English vocabulary teaching in order to solve the problems and make itmore efficient in vocabulary teaching.Stage Three: The researcher evaluates the results of the second-round actionresearch through classroom observation, interview, questionnaires, and tests, with thepurpose of finding the effects of the application of multimodal vocabulary teaching toEnglish class. The researcher chooses Unit 2 and Unit 5 from Student Book Grade 9 a