

日期:2018年02月26日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1706
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201602261344401315 论文字数:37655 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
search.  Firstly, students in junior high school need necessary theoretical instructions. The researcher finds that many students do not have good reading habits and they fail to develop a system of reading strategies. Moreover, because they can not grasp the main idea of a text and the relationship between sentences, they can not perceive the text correctly. Cohesion  theory,  the  theoretical  basis  of  the  current  study,  covers  a  field  of linguistics, providing students with knowledge of cohesion devices and aids them to understand texts better.  Secondly,  findings  on  cohesion  theory  concerning  reading  teaching  in  junior high  school  are  rare  and  most  of  which  choose  the  senior  high  school  students  or college  students  as  the  participants.  This  thesis  may  fill  the  gap  that  no  actual empirical results have been found in students of junior high school level and add new insight to further research. 


2.1 Cohesion 
In  the  field  of  applied  linguistics,  the  concern  in  recent  years  mostly  is  the essential characteristics of text. One important aspect of texture is cohesion. The term ‘cohesion’ is used to refer to the property of connectedness that characterizes a text in contrast  to  a  mere  sequence  of  words.  Cohesion  should  play  an  important  role  in English language teaching, as readers and writers need to be aware of the links that hold chunks of text together and that contribute to the creation of a text as a unit of meaning. Cohesion can contribute to the readability of a text and have an impact on the  comprehensibility  and  clarity  of  the  argument.  Additionally,  the  way  in  which links between textual chunks are signalled reflects genre-specific properties of texts. Thus,  an  appropriate  recognition  and  use  of  cohesive  devices  are  essential  for language  learners  to  develop  a  native-like  competence  of  text  reception  and production.  However, the teaching of cohesion does not seem to be a straightforward issue. The present study aims to highlight this part of teaching reading, hoping to find out some enlightening results in this area.  

2.2 English Reading Teaching 
The  following  part  narrates  some  notions  of  reading,  the  relationship  between reading and cohesion, as well as some current studies in this area. Reading  has  always  been  a  topic  in  language  teaching.  It  is  so  far  the  most important of the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) in second language learning, particularly in English as a foreign language. The nature of reading has been defined variously by many linguists in history. According to Larry A. Harris and B. Smith(1979),  reading  is  not  only  about  understanding  the  literal  meaning  of  the language but also about appreciating the underlying thoughts and feelings between the lines.  So  they  describe  reading  as  “the  intellectual  and  emotional  perception  of  a printed  message.”(1979, &