

日期:2018年07月25日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2946
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201507231338355419 论文字数:36254 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
vidual, group or school canbenefit from these experiences and activities directly or indirectly, to further improveteaching quality. Stage. Educator Katz divided the professional development of teachers into fourstages: survival stage, consolidation stage, update stage and mature stage. Fesslerdivided it into eight parts: pre-service stage, the initial stage, capacity building stage,passion growing period, occupational setback period, occupational fade period andoccupational post period (Fessler 1985).

2.2 Studies on English Teachers’ Professional Development
Researches on the professional development of foreign language teachers’following the direction of professional development of teachers and has graduallybecome a hot international research topic from the age of unknown to the 1990s. Thefirst monograph of foreign language teachers education was Second Language TeacherEducation, which was published in 1990 (Jia Aiwu 2005 (1): 61-66). Since then, thestudy of foreign language teachers’ education and development developed as bambooshoots after a spring rain. In 1997, the thirty-first International English LanguageTeaching Association Annual meeting was held in Brighton, UK. During the conference,education and development of English teachers has become one of the six major themes.In recent years, professional development research in Europe and the United States wasput into the context of globalization and tried to improve the requirements ofpre-service and professional level of post-service (Peng Weiqiang, Ye Weiquan 2006).British scholar Richard’s book Beyond The Professional and Technical Training (2001)was considered as the most detailed monographs referring to second language (English)teachers education system, reflecting new trends, new theories and practice of teachereducation in 20th century. In 2002, Foreign Language Teacher Preparation ProgramStandards came out and it became the latest foreign language teachers’ educationstandards in USA. Studies on English teachers’ professional development in foreigncountries mainly focused on the roles of teachers and students, classroom structure,classroom behavior, reflective teaching, teachers’ beliefs and strategies, teachingreasoning skills, learning log, and teaching supervision and so on. Because of thecomplexity and uncertainty of this problem, progress in the professional developmentof foreign language teachers’ is very slow.

Chapter Three Research Design ..........18
3.1 Research Questions ..........18
3.2 Research Subjects .....18
3.3 Research Methods and Instruments....19
3.4 Data Collection and Analysis ........20
3.4.1 Teachers’ Basic Situation....20
3.4.2 Teachers’ Professional Philosophy and Ethics.....26
3.4.3 Teachers’ Professional Knowledge..........28
3.4.4 Teachers’ Professional Ability ..........33
3.4.5 Training Needs.......38
Chapter Four Reasons and Suggestions.....46
4.1 Reasons ........46
4.2 Suggestions .........49

Chapter Four Reasons and Suggestions

4.1 Reasons
There are many factors influencing English teachers’ professional development inrural middle schools. Referring to the internal factor, teachers themselves is the mainfactor keeping them from promoting, such as the lack of self professional developmentneeds, consciousness, occupational goal and so on. In addition, the external factorsinclude the influence of school, society and other aspects. For example, backwardschool management system, a single teachers’ evaluation standard. The study willdiscuss them respectively in the following parts. The professional development of teachers depends on themselves. According tot