

日期:2018年08月23日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2268
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201507221436369349 论文字数:36958 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
n the basis of the former scholars’ research, Ausin built thetheory of students’ participation and came up with five statements about it.

2.2 Theoretical Foundations of the Study
The study is carried out on the basis of the following theories and they are alsosome philosophies that we need to follow. The student-centered teaching philosophy is a contrast to the teacher-centered one.The traditional teaching model is knowledge-centered and dominated by teachers notthe students. Students just sit in their seats, write down what the teacher tells them anddon’t think about what they are learning. By doing a lot of exercises and taking a hugeamount of tests, they consolidate and test what they have learned. In this way, studentsare just like a machine, they don’t really participate in the learning process and justdigest what they hear and see passively. This teaching model is teacher-centered,textbook-centered and classroom-centered, not student-centered. This brings lots ofdrawbacks to the development of students.In order to change this situation, the new curriculum reform advocates the teachingphilosophy in which all the effort is for the development of students. As for the Englishsubject, teachers pay more attention to teaching based on students’ physical and mentalcharacteristics, using tasked-based teaching method and advocating students’experiences, participation and collaboration in class activities. Instead of grammartranslation teaching method and vocabulary-based teaching models, this newphilosophy will build language teaching as a process in which students can cultivatetheir positive emotion, creative and critical thinking ability, self-learning ability andcross-cultural awareness. These ideas attach great importance to the students’ needs anddevelopment, pay attention to students’ differences, highlight students’ center status inthe learning process, which reflects the humanist ideas.

Chapter Three Methodology..........14
3.1 Introduction of Research Subjects......14
3.2 Instruments..........14
3.2.1 The Questionnaire of Students’ Participation in English Class..........15
3.2.2 The Interview of Teachers about Students’ Participation...........16
Chapter Four Results of the Study........17
4.1 Results of Students’ Behavioral, Cognitive, Emotional Participation.......17
4.2 Results of Teachers’ Interviews about Students’ Participation.........40
4.2.1 The Forms and Time of Students’ Participation........40
4.2.2 The Factors that Influence Students’ Participation........41
4.2.3 Measures to Improve Students’ Participation………………43
Chapter Five Discussion of Research Results.......45
5.1 Three Forms of Students’Participation........45
5.1.1 Behavioral Participation.....................45
5.1.2 Cognitive Participation...............47
5.1.3 Emotional Participation.......48
5.2 Correlation of the Three Forms of Participation...........51
5.3 Other Factors ........53

Chapter Five Discussions of Research Results

5.1 Three Forms of Students’ Participation
From the study, we know the behavior when students take notes while listening totheir teachers’ explanation. We can infer that students still use the traditional learningstrategy and most of them believe this method is very useful. In the learning process,students usually write down the important and key points. Furthermore, they will takenotes of something hard to understand immediately. Students do this on the purpose toconsolidate what they have learned. The average value of this item is highest. Thesecond higher is the item that students ca