In order to meet the needs of internationalization in production and capital, modern multinational corporations (MNCs) are emerging. MNCs include the parent company and overseas branches, subsidiaries and affiliated companies. Modern MNCs, in the growing process, face with very complex environments, including natural, political, economic, legal, social and cultural aspects. Cross culture includes the differences in languages, customs, education levels, religious beliefs and social classes etc. Diversity is the main impact brought by cross-cultures.
Huawei has currently established its overseas branches in more than 100 countries and has continued to localize its operations worldwide. Management positions are open to local employees, resulting in a diversified management team worldwide. The cultural differences within the workforce of Huawei do influence people’s behaviour. ‘You must learn the habits and expectations typical of the local culture, both concerning the country and the culture of local companies. The manager has to act and manage from this local knowledge to reach his objectives. Therefore, an essential skill we need to develop is how to take advantage of the best cultural practices worldwide. I am convinced that we cannot grow to be one of the best in the world unless we are able to do this. We must continue to employ by the criterion of competence, and we must include competence in the local culture because different nations have different frameworks of reference, that is the cultural background and experience that decide your judgment and provide you with guidance. To succeed globally, we have to act locally’ (Lars Bondelind ,chief executive director of Huawei, Sweden).
Lars Bondelind gave a brief summary of the efforts that the managers made to overcome the cultural differences and his idea “To succeed globally, we have to act locally” is a practical experience, which can be a guide for the management team who are trying to adapt themselves to the local cultures all over the world.
1.2. Aim and Objectives
1.2.1 Aim:
To examine the management in a multicultural workplace and valuate the Impacts on the management by cultural diversity.
1.2.2 Objectives:
Investigate the Huawei UK management though phone interviews.
The employee’s opinions about the Huawei management styles
The way to improve management in Huawei UK
The author developed the research questions from the whole topic, and used it as a guide for the research project.
1.3 Justification
Managing diversity is a reality that all mu