Executive summary
With the stiff competition in the market environment, industries like McDonald’s are attempting to sustain their corporate performance and leadership by implementing approaches which adhee to the needs of the market, the employees, stakeholders and the entire organsiation. This report, aims on discussing how McDonald’s manage their corproate and stakeholders; relatiionship and how it helps them to cater the needs of their stakeholders which in return leads to improved corporate performance.
The aim of the corporate and stakeholder relationship management is to sustain harmonious relationship among internal and external members of the corporation to attain corporate performance. Accordingly, the major issue for fast food chain is being criticised by various stakeholders for issues like health issues, salary or compensation levels and cultural diversities. In this regard, McDonalds had been selected in the case study, it is considered to be a very unique company for various reasons. First, with the nature of McDinalds products, this company operates in highly regulated business environment.
In addition, with a high level of profits for the fast food company as well as their extreme focus on market power and with the diverse employees, it shows some issues regarding the employee relationship levels and finally, the reasons that the profits which the company makes are derived from a product that may affect the health of their customers. Undeniably, for different forms of business, how a company is perceives as well as assessed by the stakeholder is likely ti have greater impact on their relations and interactions with the stakeholders and can be cosnidered as a subject of significant corproate and stakeholder relationship managrment interest.
Moreover, this paper also discussed how stakeholder relationship management significantly affects corporate performance of the organisation or company. This paper concludes that to be able for McDonalds to achieve their organsiational objectives of being the market leader and sustains corporate performance; the company must consider efficient stakeholders and corporate relationship management approach at the entire level of the company 本美国论文由美国论文网www.51lunwen.org提供.
Executive summary
Overview of McDonald’s
Stakeholder relationship management and corporate performance
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