

日期:2024年08月25日 编辑:ad201107111759308692 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:153
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw202408211040526472 论文字数:42555 所属栏目:英美文学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
transformation of the sovereign and the colonized from conflicts to coexistence.Although Jhabvala has lived in India for many years,her particular cultural identity has led her work to continue,to some extent,Western writing about India.Therefore,the construction of the Other of the West to the East isinevitable in her novels.

In the novel,in order to maintain colonial rule,the suzerain depicts the colonizedas a backward group through stereotypes described by Bhabha and segregates them.In the eyes of the British,Orientals are as a degenerate group exist.Indian women arealways described as passive and stupid compared to western women,and Indianservants are always seen as dirty and nasty.In their view India’s social environment isa hell of the earth and they constantly repeat that its hot climate is uninhabitable.Thesuzerain also imposes racial segregation on India in order to maintain colonial rule.They live in the Civil Lines with comfortable environment,while the colonized aresegregated in Khatm with bad.

But compared with this construction of the Other,Jhabvala pays more attentionto the deconstruction of Western power.Her novel Heat and Dust can be seen as adeconstruction of the center of empire.On the one hand,the British people live in amixed culture,and their integrity of identities are lost under the influence of India.Some of them are in a dilemma caused by failing to cope with cultural differences andthe impact of India.
