

日期:2020年02月22日 编辑:ad202002182258013898 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:5124
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw202002220334344767 论文字数:3746 所属栏目:帮写留学生作业
论文地区:其他 论文语种:中文 论文用途:论文写作指导 Instruction





1、积累。每天去读一些英文原版的新闻比如BBC news,去读一些科普期刊,比如,Scientific American。重点不是读,是读的时候在自己的笔记本,或者Onenote里面用自己的话把读到的总结一下。或者把认为比较英语的表达方式copy下来。



4、无定式练习。英文论文大体分为,Title, Abstract, Introduction,Result,Discussion,Method,Reference。格式看起来好像八股文的形式,非常固定。当一个课题将要结题的时候,打开之前所有的练习以及各种Figure,开始正式写论文的1st-draft。首先是拟一个响亮好看大气的Title,(如果编不出来,可以暂时放弃。等什么时候灵感来了,就拟的更美好更简洁一些)。然后从最简单的Result和Method部分开始。再次从次简单的开始,比如Introduction。1st-draft没有什么写作定式,你可以哪方面比较容易写就从哪开始写。写到一定程度,就新建一个Word文档认真地写好Title,Abstract。所谓的Introduction其实是Abstract的加长版,它包含了许多由浅入深的内容,表述这个领域的现状和进展,以及为何在本文中研究这样的问题,并得到了什么结论。Result部分主要就是一步步阐述下实验设计和思路,以及如何证明文中所提的观点。Discussion部分就是阐述下本文章中做的实验以及得到的实验结果的意义,还有哪些没有说清楚的。至此,等以上完成,1st-draft就算写好大半。然后,这个版本要发给导师等,让他们提意见,然后根据意见修改。



Critically discuss Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), what are the implications for a firm that does not conduct CSR

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is often mistaken for a 21st century buzz phrase when in fact it has been part of the business lexicon for decades. While some argue that the concept dates back to the Industrial Revolution, the first substantive work was written by Peter Drucker in his 1954 book The Practice of Management. Despite the passage of time, there is still no universal definition of CSR. Corporate Social Responsibility, what it is and how it is implemented, is different depending upon the country a business operates within, the regulatory system they are answerable to and even the industry within which they work. These complications aside, it is necessary to fix on well-rounded definition of CSR in order to critically discuss the concept in this paper. The definition offered by the International Organization for Standardization will be used, as it is general in nature and applicable to most businesses, regardless their country of operation:

“Social responsibility is the responsibility of an organisation for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behaviour that:

n contributes to sustainable development, including the health and the welfare of society

n takes into account the expectations of stakeholders

n is in compliance with applicable law and consistent with international norms of behaviour; and

n Is integrated throughout the organization and practised in its relationships.” (International Organization for Standardization, 2010)


The one weakness in this definition is the proposition that CSR is about compliance with applicable law. In Dahlsrud’s (2008) analysis of 37 CSR definitions, he identified five critical dimensions. The first dimension is the environment and its consideration in business operations and the second is the social dimension which covers businesses taking into account their impact on society. Both of these dimensions are central to our working definition. The third dimension identified is the economic dimension which looks for a commitment to integrating CSR into business operations is also present as is the fourth dimension which related to how businesses should manage all stakeholder groups in a socially responsible manner (Dahlsrud, 2008). The final dimension, voluntariness, is what is missing from the