
Ted Baker的财务报告The financial report on Ted Baker

日期:2018年01月30日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:909
论文价格:100元/篇 论文编号:lw201708051505475143 论文字数:2252 所属栏目:essay写作
论文地区:其他 论文语种:English 论文用途:大学作业 BA essay

1. Introduction介绍

Ray Kelvin于1988年在格拉斯哥开设了Ted Baker,并开设了第一家服装店。 今天,Ray Kelvin在世界各地开设了多家门店,他已经成为Ted Baker的首席执行官。 此外,泰德贝克已成为奢侈品零售公司之一。 Ted Baker成功地在富时250指数中在伦敦证券交易所上市。
Ray Kelvin found the Ted Baker and opened the first clothes store in 1988 in Glasgow. Today, Ray Kelvin have opened a number of stores all over the world and he has already become the CEO of Ted Baker. Moreover, Ted Baker has become one of the famous retail company for the luxury clothing. Successfully, Ted Baker has listed on the London Stock Exchange within the FTSE 250 Index. 

与其他服装公司一样,Ted Baker的主要产品是男装和女装及男女配饰。使用三个渠道,零售,批发和许可证是Ted Baker在世界各地销售产品的主要策略。泰德·贝克托(Ted Bakerto)的关键在于精心设计,产品质量和细节控制。 如今,泰德贝克的产品越来越丰富,包括香水,手表,手提箱等许多领域。 所有这些产品将为每一个生活细节带来迷人的精品感受。As other cloths firm, the main products of Ted Baker are men’s& women’s clothing and men’s & women’s accessories. Using three channels, retail, wholesale and licensing is the main strategy of Ted Baker to distribute products all over the world. The well design, product quality and the controlling of detail are highlighted as the key by Ted Bakerto appeal and retain consumers. Nowadays, the products of Ted Baker becomes more and more abundant, including fragrance, wristwatch, Suitcases and many other fields. All of these products will bring the a glamorous boutique feel for every detail of life. 

Table of content
1. Introduction 1
2. Financial Figures 1
3. Company Analysis 3
3.1 Key performance indicator analysis 3
3.2 Financial profitability analysis 4
3.3 Debt paying ability analysis 6
3.4 Operation capacity analysis 8
3.5 Growth capacity analysis 9
4. Recommendation 10
5. Presentation 10

4. Recommendation

Based on the above discussion, in current year, there is great growth on the total assets of Ted Baker.The short-term pay ability of Ted Baker is relative strong, the short-term liquidity risks of the enterprise is relative small. The long-term risk of solvency is relative small.The efficiency of management of Ted Baker is relative high.The cost of sale is relative high and the product sales increases rapidly, which make strong operation capacity. On the other hand, there is fast expending speed on asset scale in current year.Even though, there was slightly decrease of the return on capital from last year, the return on capital of Ted Baker can shows high return level from investment.Therefore, it is no doubt that in current year, Ted Baker keeps the good growth capacity. In other words, Ted Baker is a very promising company for good financial profitability, high debt pay ability, strong operation capacity and powerful growth capacity.