Table of Contents
1. Task A 3
The literature review step may be regarded as a research step that serves as the foundation for research topic. The literature review not only helps in the understanding of the basic concepts underlying the research project but it also helps in shaping the hypothesis of the research project. If the investigator has the desired has the desired talent coupled with the critical thinking, the literature review could then become the cornerstone of the research (Chrisnell, 2005). This is because, the researcher by looking into the details of different literary sources could easily identify gaps and strengths of the research studies that has already been conducted in the particular area where the investigator wishes to carry out his or her study (Dawson, 2002). Due to this reason, while conducting the literature review efforts should be directed towards and analyzing and synthesizing different sources rather than just summarizing, rehashing existing literature on a particular topic (Robson, 2002). It is vital that while conducting a literature review, the investigator should use his or her critical thinking skills and should look into theoretical grounds of the literature source under consideration as well as the empirical issue related to the literary source.
1.1. Critical Review of Literature: 3
1.2. Balanced Literature Review: 4
1.3. Recommended Strategy for Sarah: 4
2. Task B: 6
2.1. Reason behind the Selection of the Research Topic: 6
2.2. Research Question: 6
2.3. Key Authors: 7
2.4. Research Question and Saunders et al., Criteria: 8
2.5. Research Topic Appropriateness: 8
3. Works Cited 11