

日期:2018年06月15日 编辑:ad200901081555315985 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2073
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201806151541302510 论文字数:39284 所属栏目:临床医学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
新生儿窒息是指出生时无呼吸或呼吸抑制,是导致全世界新生儿死亡、脑瘫和智力低下的主要原因之一。新生儿窒息导致的死亡,已占到婴儿死亡的20%~30%。新生儿窒息缺氧时,主要表现为呼吸障碍,往往先有过度呼吸,初起 1~2 分钟有呼吸深快,如缺氧未及时纠正,旋即转为呼吸抑制和反射性心率减慢,此为原发性呼吸暂停;此时患儿肌张力存在,血管轻微收缩,血压升高,循环尚好,但有紫绀,如及时给氧或予以适当刺激,有时甚至在无外界帮助下仍能恢复呼吸。如缺氧持续存在,则出现喘息样呼吸,心率继续减慢,血压开始下降,肌张力消失,苍白,呼吸运动减弱,最终出现一次深度喘息而进入继发性呼吸暂停,如无外界正压呼吸帮助则无法恢复而死亡。上世纪 50 年代 Apgar根据新生儿窒息临床表现提出用皮肤颜色、心率、肌张力、呼吸等五项评判新生儿窒息程度的方法,用于区别窒息程度, 每项 0~2 分,总共 10 分;评分越高,表示窒息程度越轻;0~3 分为重度窒息;4~7 分为轻度窒息;8~10 分为正常。几十年来 Apgar 评分对新生儿窒息复苏提供了简便有效的方法。但近年来人们逐渐认识到五项中除心率是客观指标,其余四项都带有主观性,易造成误诊。
窒息的本质是缺氧酸中毒引起的的器官功能或器质性损伤,缺氧酸中毒必然引起血气变化,可通过血气分析反映出来,脐动脉血血气分析可直接反映胎儿娩出时的酸碱平衡状态,为帮助诊断新生儿窒息提供了更为客观的方法。国外学者近年来在脐动脉血气方面进行了大量的研究。美国妇产学会已把脐动脉血气 p H 值作为诊断新生儿窒息的诊断标准之一。随着便携式血气分析仪的使用,国内有学者亦对此进行了一些研究,但我国目前尚未把脐动脉血气作为诊断新生儿窒息的标准,因此目前仍沿用传统的 Apgar 评分。窒息儿的预后一直是人们关注的重点,有研究表明脐血 p H 值与预后有依存关系。运用脐血血气分析早期预测围产儿缺氧缺血,与 Apgar 评分互补,可提高围生期窒息诊断的准确率,有利于降低围产儿死亡率及智力残疾的发生,提高出生人口素质。 基于以上认识我们随机对本院娩出的 344 例新生儿立即进行脐动脉血气分析;新生儿娩出后未啼哭前夹住近胎儿端的一段脐带约 15cm,使之与胎盘及新生儿循环隔绝,这段脐血血气由于在未建立自主呼吸前取样,可以客观反映胎儿血气变化结局;并常规对娩出新生儿进行 Apgar 评分,通过分析脐动脉血血气、Apgar 评分在判断新生儿窒息及预后的临床意义,为脐动脉血气分析在临床应用提供实验依据。
Neonatal asphyxia is pointed out that without breathing or breathing inhibition, is lead to neonatal death around the world, one of the leading causes of cerebral palsy and mental retardation. Neonatal suffocation deaths, has accounted for 20% ~ 30% of infant deaths. Neonatal asphyxia anoxia, main show is respiratory disorder, often have excessive breathing first, beginning of 1 ~ 2 minutes have deep breathing fast, such as oxygen not timely rectification, promptly to reflex slow heart rate, respiratory depression and this is a primary apnea; The children muscle tension exists, vascular mild contraction, blood pressure increases, the cycle is still good, but there are purple purple, such as giving oxygen or stimulation of appropriately, sometimes even without outside help can still restore breathing. Persist, such as oxygen, appear breathing breathing, heart rate continues to slow down, and began to fall blood pressure, muscle tension, pale, respiratory motion is abate, eventually appeared a deep breathing into the secondary apnea, if there is no outside positive pressure breathing help cannot recover and death. Apgar in the 1950 s, according to neonatal asphyxia clinical manifestation with skin color, breathing, heart rate, muscle tension and so on five to judge the degree of neonatal asphyxia, used for the difference degree of asphyxia, each 0 to 2 points, a total of 10 points; The higher the score, the lighter said asphyxia degree; 0 ~ 3 into severe asphyxia; 4 ~ 7 divided into mild asphyxia; 8 ~ 10 were divided into normal. For decades, Apgar score of neonatal asphyxia recovery provides a simple and effective method. But in recent years, people gradually realized that among the five heart rate is an objective indicator, the remaining four are subjective, easy misdiagnosis. 
Asphyxia is the essence of hypoxia acidosis caused by organ or physical damage, hypoxia acidosis is bound to cause blood gas changes, can be reflected through the blood gas analysis, umbilical artery blood gas analysis can directly reflect the acid-base equilibrium when fetal childbirth, to help in the diagnosis of neonatal asphyxia provides more objective method. Foreign scholars in recent years, a lot of research in terms of umbilical arterial blood gas. The American society of obstetrics and gynecology has the umbilical arterial blood gas p H value a