
我国中学师徒制实施的个案研究 ——以Y中学的“青蓝工程”为例硕士毕业论文

日期:2018年01月22日 编辑:ad201703301955106400 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1851
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201706172346097256 论文字数:29213 所属栏目:初中教育论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
摘 要




Mentoring as a school teacher training, teacher professional development is an important way, is paid great attention to by all levels of schools and application. In practice, the operation of the mentoring there are some problems cannot be ignored; In theory, although the mentoring to a certain extent, has received the attention, but most view mainly experience summary, the lack of "tutorial system" the development background and the theoretical analysis of the system. Especially in today's schools under the background of development, improve teacher's professional, mentoring should face a lot of demand change.

This study using the method of literature research, questionnaire Chad, interview method, such as study, to a comprehensive combing of mentoring activities and research, so as to help teachers understand the true meaning of tutorial system, clear the role of the tutorial system, strategy of how to implement the tutorial system to provide theoretical and practical point of view.
Paper first through the tutorial system research background and significance of the theory of interpretation, define the concept of tutorial system, and the tutorial system of production and the development of literature review, has been clear about the ideas and approaches to the study of the tutorial system. In chapter 2, 3Y high school mentoring - "the blue engineering" as the study case, through the questionnaire and interview, Y middle school mentoring the implementation of the current situation, problems and so on has carried on the detailed analysis, and from the angles of school and the teachers of middle school mentoring Y causes problems are discussed in this paper. The fourth chapter separately from the mentoring the specification of the operation, the construction of a win-win relationship between teacher and pupil, teachers' professional development, mentoring system of rewards and punishments from several aspects, such as the system construction is proposed based on mentoring improving strategies of teacher professional development.

目   录

摘 要 1

Abstract 3
引 言 6
第一部分  青蓝工程—Y中学师徒制的实施现状 19
一、Y中学师徒制实施的现实背景 19
二、Y中学师徒制的实施过程 19
教师专业发展对于学校教学的发展起着至关重要的作用。Y学校至开始实行“青蓝工程”老带新工作以来,由分管学校教学的副校长总负责,教科处负责老带新工作的具体事务。 19
(一)师徒关系的建立 19
(二)指导内容的设计 21
(三)指导方式的选择 21
(四)实施的评价与激励制度 22
(五)完成阶段 22
第二部分    Y中学师徒制实施的效果与问题 24
一、Y中学师徒制实施效果的调查设计 24
(一)问卷设计 24
(二)访谈提纲设计 24
二、Y中学师徒制实施效果的调查分析 24
(一)问卷施测 24
(二)Y中学师徒制问卷调查分析 25
三、师徒制取得的成效及其存在的问题 34
四、影响Y中学师徒制实施效果的原因分析 37
(一)学校因素 37
(二)教师个人因素 37
第三部分  基于教师专业化发展的师徒制改善策略 38
一、规范师徒制的操作,建立导师培训机制 38
(一)科学培训与提高师傅的素质 38
(二)重视师傅的任命,建立导师培训与支援机制 38
二、建立长期合作的师徒关系,实现师徒共赢 39
(一)形成长期合作的师徒双赢的发展理念 39
(二)师傅要认清师徒制对自己的作用 39
(三)徒弟要正确实施自己的权利与责任 39
三、加强专业研讨,提高指导的针对性 40
(一)加强师徒的专业研讨 40
(二)提高师徒制方式、内容的针对性 40
(三)增强教师的自主反思能力 40
四、以人为本,构建平等、合作的师徒关系 41
(一)合理把握师徒关系的性质 41
(二)构建平等互助的合作文化 41
五、完善师徒制奖惩机制,促进教师专业化提高 41
附  录 43
附录1:“师徒制”之调查问卷 43
附录2:“师徒制”之访谈提纲 45
