

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1986
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201005042352185034 论文字数:20991 所属栏目:计算机软件论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
    摘 要:在当今汽车电子控制网络中,CAN总线发挥着不可替代的作用,将复杂的通讯网络化为一体,高速、可靠的实现了车辆的控制与运行。汽车作为生活中的一种重要交通工具之一,为使学生能更好的了解CAN总线在汽车中的应用,设计出基于CAN总线的教学模拟汽车模型,汽车模型主要用于教学演示,达到辅助教学的目的。
Abstract:At present in automotive electronic control network, CAN bus plays an irreplaceable role, and just uses two simple cables to put cars interior’s vast, complex communications networks into one, high-speed, reliable to achieve the control and operation of the vehicle. The vehicle is an important means of transport in the life. www.51lunwen.orgIn order to make students understand the CAN bus in the application of vehicles better, the teaching simulation model of the vehicle which bases on the CAN bus is designed, the car model will mainly be applied to teaching demonstrations to assist teaching purposes.
This system will be converted into electric car toys for the car model, the system uses master-slave control model. www.51lunwen.orgFront-wheel-stepper motor will be controlled by the main controller, the stepper motor will be controlled by the slave controller, electric car’s communication will follow the true car in real life, so CAN bus will be used within the electric vehicles which between the main-slave controller of the communications. AT89S52 is used as the core of the control in the system; the system is consisted of the driven circuit, signal detection circuit, the power circuit, keys, show circuit, bus interface circuits, alarm circuits and other auxiliary circuit, www.51lunwen.orgusing function keys to achieve the implementation of the functions. According to the functions to select the appropriate button code, controlling electric car’s starting, stopping, speeding, forwarding, reversing, steering, lighting, instrument display, and other functions.
Nowadays, CAN bus have become the standard bus among electronic vehicle control devices of communication; www.51lunwen.orgit has been widely used in car distributed control system. To avoid a large number of wiring, Model bus based on CAN bus wires simply. The work process car model is simple and clear, students can learn easily.
Key words:CAN bus;Electric vehicles;AT89S52;Stepper motor

目 录
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 CAN总线在汽车中的应用 1
1.2 基于CAN总线的教学模拟汽车模型的设计的目的与意义 2
1.3 基于CAN总线的教学模拟汽车模型的设计的主要研究内容 2
1.4 基于CAN总线的教学模拟汽车模型的设计关键技术 3
第2章 系统的总体方案 4
2.1 系统概述 4
2.2 系统的设计工作过程及原理 4
第3章 系统的硬件设计 6
3.1 CAN接口电路模块 6
3.1.1 CAN总线硬件介绍 6
3.1.2 独立CAN总线控制器SJA1000 7
3.1.3 CAN总线驱动器PCA82C250 10
3.1.4 CAN接口电路硬件设计 12
3.2 主系统硬件设计 13
3.2.1 电源模块的设计 14
3.2.2 微处理器模块的选择 14
3.2.3 电机驱动模块的设计 18
3.2.4 液晶显示模块 20
3.2.5 按键接口模块 20
3.3 从系统硬件设计 23
3.3.1 后轮步进电机模块的设计 23
3.3.2 报警电路模块 23
第4章 系统的软件设计 25
4.1 软件设计思想 25
4.2 通信协议的设计 25
4.2.1 电机通信协议的设计 25
4.2.2 CAN通信协议的设计 26
4.3 系统软件主流程图设计 26
4.4 系统软件子流程图设计 27
4.4.1 从控制器子程序流程图 27
4.4.2 按键子程序流程图 28
4.4.3 CAN中断程序流程图 29
4.4.4 步进电机子程序流程图 30
第5章 结 论 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 34
附 录Ⅰ 35
附 录Ⅱ 50
附 录Ⅲ 52

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