The Research Process of Precision Medicine applied to the Prevention and Treatment of Cerebrovascular Disease
Abstract:Precision medicine is based on the traditional medical means, combined with the development of modern medical science and technology of the ideal medical paradigm. It can be more accurate for the individual patients with disease diagnosis, treatment and prognosis assessment, so as to individualize the most effective safe economy Medical treatment program. Cerebrovascular disease is a multifactorial disease, and the cause is complex, and the treatment has a lot of difficulties. So the scientific individual treatment is necessary. In recent years, rapid development of genomics, computer technology, the development of computer storage technology for the precise diagnosis and treatment of cerebrovascular disease provides technical support, individualized prevention and treatment programs to make patients benefit greatly. This paper will summarize the progress of precision medicine in the prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular disease.
Key words:Precision medicine; Cerebrovascular disease;Gene polymorphism;Body fluid biomarker;Prediction model
1. 精准医学
1.1 精准医学的概述
在2015年,参与人类基因组计划的科学家Francis S,Collins对于精准医学的定义在在《新英格兰医学杂志》(The New England Journal of Medicine, NEJM)上进行了阐述,具体内容为:精准医学为个体特异性的医疗诊治策略,在疾病的发生、进展,以及预防治疗过程中个体差别予以充分思量,创设个体化的治疗策略[1]。
1.2 精准医学的发展历史
2011年在《迈向精准医学:创设生物医学与疾病新分类学的知识网络》一文中,“精准医学” 的方向目标被正式提出,构建生物医学以及临床医学交叉学科的知识网络。2015年1月,经由奥巴马提出的开展“精准医学计划”,将精准医学更加深入的推广,这一概念也得到了更为广泛的关注。在我国,精准医学的计划也随之开展,科技部于2015年3月启动了该项计划。精准医学也是以作为重大专项列入了“十三五”的康健保障发展项目的相关研究。
1.3 精准医学的内容
2.4 精准影像学研究