

日期:2018年01月23日 编辑:ad201209271549445910 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1236
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201709072235226594 论文字数:37845 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
called Morphology Typology. Friedrich von Schlegel divided world languagesinto two kinds: agglutinating languages and inflexional languages. Friedrich’s brotherAugust von Schlegel added the third type: languages without affix and inflection. (Theexample he gave was Chinese.) Wilhelm von Humboldt added the fourth type:polysynthetic languages. Hereafter, the classification of languages was fixed. They areisolated languages, agglutinating languages, inflexiona1 languages and polysyntheticlanguages. The classification of the traditional language typology presents severaldisadvantages. First is that one language can show more than one features so that it isdifficult to classify them. Second is that this classification builds no connections withother features.

2.2 Literature review on English word stress abroad and at home
In this section, the paper will review English word stress from abroad and athome. It will give a comprehensive and overall review on them and try makecomments on them to get a writing space.The systematic studies on English word stress began in 1950s, and developed in1960s-70s, which can be attributed to the development of the generative phonology. In1956, Chomsky, Halle and Lukoff ’s paper On Accent and Juncture in English studiedcompound words and phrases stress. John Hart (1966)was the first to study Englishstress. He generalized the features of English stress and discussed the changes ofstress in words and sentences. Many other scholars also studies the prosodic features,for example, Steel generalized five important distinctive features and named themintonation, quality, stress, pause and the degrees of press.In 1900s, scholars, like Bloomfield regarded stress with distinctive features assuprasegmental features and divided stress into several categories. In 1968, Chomskyand Halle worked together to complete the book The Sound Pattern of English, whichmeant that the Generative Phonology entered into the Standard Theory Period. Itdiscovered the rules of English word stress and made a comprehensive analysis aboutthe rules of the English word stress. 

Chapter 3 Research Design....16
3.1 Research subjects........16
3.2 Theoretical foundations.....16
3.3 Research methodologies....17
3.4 Research questions..... 18
3.5 Research instruments.........18
3.6 Research procedure.... 20
Chapter 4 Data Analysis........ 21
4.1 General analysis of records...... 21
4.2 General analysis of mistakes made on word stress..... 29
4.3 Analysis of Some Words....33
4.4 Analysis of some students’ records.........40
Chapter 5 Discussion.......47
5.1 Markedness differential hypothesis........47
5.2 Structural conformity hypothesis.... 56
5.3 Discussion on individuals.........60

Chapter 5 Discussion

In the preceding chapter, many data have been analyzed and have beensummarized into several aspects. In this chapter, the paper will apply the markednessdifferential hypothesis and structure conformity hypothesis to the analysis of theabove phenomena, and try to use them to explain the reasons why they made suchmistakes.

5.1 Markedness differential hypothesis

In the above chapter, the general situation of the students’ four-year acquisition ofwords stress and their mistakes categories have been analyzed from the perspective ofthe number of stresses and syllables that words hold and have been summarized intotables and figures. In this part, the theory will be applied to explain the tendency ofthem.As analyzed in table 4.4 and in table 4.3, it discusses the four-year word stressesfrom the number of the syllables and stresses that words embrace. It shows thatstudents made much more mistakes on polysyllabic words than on disyll