A close look at the previous researches done by various scholars from home and abroad will offer us a clearer picture that how profiles of financial institutions have been probed into before. Fu Huiping(2007) researches into the interpersonal meaning realization in both Chinese company profiles and English company profiles. Wen Jing(2013) also probes into the interpersonal meaning in both Chinese and English company profiles but mainly focuses on the personal reference. What’s more, Liu Ping(2013) and Li Quandong(2013) research into Chinese and English company profiles from the perspective of translation, and only Li Quandong(2013) makes a contrastive study of translation under Hofstede’s five cultural dimensions.
From what have been mentioned above, a possible conclusion can be drawn is that all the previous studies concerning company profiles just focus on the written texts, ranging from the realization of interpersonal meaning, the genre analysis to the translation of Chinese profiles into English. Nevertheless, the research on the realization of interpersonal meaning still deserves further exploration because none of these scholars has laid emphasis on the multimodal resources concerning company profiles on the official websites, which combines images, videos and written texts as a whole to demonstrate themselves. Consequently, this thesis extends the view to a wider range, aiming to make a contrastive study on the written texts and images on the official websites of CFIS and AFIS to illustrate the different ways they construct interpersonal meaning.
2.2 Previous Studies on Interpersonal Meaning
This part will elaborate on interpersonal meaning from different perspectives and a full picture of how interpersonal meaning has been researched into by various scholars from both home and abroad will be displayed.
2.2.1 Definition of Interpersonal Meaning
As for the definition of interpersonal meaning, different scholars from both home and abroad hold different opinions. Eggins(1994) hold that interpersonal meaning is just about the social relationship built between interactants. Eggins(1994)advances elements such as different social status, various levels of intimacy and communication between different roles can affect interpersonal meaning. Burton and Dimbleby(1997) uphold that interpersonal meaning is comprised of four elements: exchange of negotiation, specific &nb