
壳牌公司2014 年可持续发展报告中术语功能层面变异研究

日期:2018年02月05日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1212
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201702171043356417 论文字数:40524 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


1.1 Research Background

Terminology  is  a  kind  of  logic  language  and  its  denotative  meaning  should  be corresponding  to  the  concept. However,  when  a  term  which  is  characterized  by precision,  emotional  neutrality  and  stability  is  used  in  a  non-specialized  text,  its denotative meaning might be extended or restricted, far from the original significant meaning,  and then  the  extended  or  restricted  meaning  could  be  understood  clearly with the help of emotional association. When a layman encounters an unfamiliar term, normally he or she would deduce its possible meaning through semes involved in this term.  But  in  most  cases,  the  determinologized  term  would  not  match  up  with  its original meaning. That is to say, a term is changing in a non-specialized text in terms of  its  denotative  meaning  and  interpersonal  meaning.  This  is  a major  topic  in  text terminology. 

For decades, environmental protection is a crucially global problem, which has a great impact on politics and economic development. Thousands of firms participate in the  Environmental  Protection  Agency’s  partnership  programs,  and many  others participate  in  industry-led  environmental  programs  such  as  those  of  the  world Business Council for Sustainable Development, the Chicago Climate Exchange, and the  American  Chemistry  Council’s  “Responsible Care” program.  (Lyon  &  Maxwell, 2011).  Through  these  efforts,  transnational  corporations  (TNCs)  try  to  construct  an environmentally-friendly image to convince consumers to purchase “green products” due  to  the  increasing  eco-awareness  of  the  public.  However,  based  on  eco-linguists’ surveys and investigation, the fact is that TNCs have been greenwashing their dismal environmental  performance  by  posing  as  friends  of  the  environment.  Greenwash is used  to  describe  the  act  of  misleading  and  deceiving  consumers  regarding  the environmental practices  of a company or the environmental benefits of  a  product or service, which has been a central topic in Critical Eco-linguistics. 


1.2 Operational Definitions

This  part  will  explain  some  vital  concepts  involved  in  this  thesis.  They  are “Terminological  Variation  from Functional  Aspect”,  “Terminology”  and “Doublespeak”. When the concept  of  “Terminology” is  described in  this part, the relevant  knowledge  about  it  will  be  introduced  as  well  to  make  a  further understanding of the terminological variation in meanings and functions. 

1.2.1 Terminological Variation from Functional Aspect

Terminological variation from functional aspect is the topic of this thesis. In order to make this concept understood well, I’d like to introduce another two pairs of concepts, and  they  are  separately  the  pair  of  “langue”  and  “parole”  and the  pair  of “meta-function” and “performing function”(Sun, 2009). 

(1) “Langue” and “Parole”

Langue  (French,  meaning  “language”)  and  pa