

日期:2018年02月07日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1215
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201702161013464018 论文字数:40568 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis


1.1 Research Orientation

This  paper aim s  to explore how speak ers  communicate with e ach  other in multicultural business meetings with metadiscourse. To be more specific, it attempts to (1) examine the usage of different types of metadiscoursal devices (hereafter MDs) by native speakers (hereafter NSs) and non-native speakers (hereafter NNSs) in business meetings. (2) provide a rhetorical account  for the observed pattern s, and explore the possible factors causing differences between two patterns, if any. 


1.2 Rationale

Metadiscourse,  as  the non-propo sitional  part of langu age,  is fundam ental  yet intriguing in communication. Although it has been ove rshadowed by propositional content in linguistic studies fo r years, the importance of it is much in evidence now, with its multifunction in persuading others, conveying information and managing the interactions  (see  ref  to section 2.1.2) in the comm unication  between  readers  and writers etc. Besides, its im portance has also been reflected in that it has been widely approached by different researchers from different research angles. As a result, th e definitions and classifications of metadiscourse are extremely diverse and, to som e extent, confusing. The terms that are overlapping with metadiscourse in some degree include  metatalk  (Schiffrin,  1980), m eta-text  (Mauranen, 1993), and discourse reflectivity (Mauranen, 2010). In th is thesis, we adopt the term metadiscoruse since it’s more than popular and also, an umbrella term. Metadiscourse manifests itself via a great variety of means, including transitions (but and so), modal verbs (should, must) and adjectives implying attitude (fortunate). Hyland (2004, 2005) has already found that the observed patterns of MDs have close links with genres and cultures, which makes it a perfect analytical tool in intercultural business communication. Considering that previous study has mainly focused on its importance in academic communication, but it is believed that it would also be rewa rding to apply it in other ESP genres, like communication in international business meetings.  

So  far,  a large  bulk of studies have  focused  on how people comm unicate  in business meetings, an indispensable routine activity of doing business, including genre analyses of their structure and procedural characteristics (Bargiela-Chiappini & Harris, 1997; Koester,  2006),  conversational accomplishment of tasks (Boden, 1994; Firth , 1995;  Poncini, 2004; Sarangi & Roberts,  1999),  the realization of  power and politeness in meetings (Holmes & Stubbe, 2003) and speaker styles (Rogerson-Revell, 1999). Although persuasion is fairly essential in almost every piece of information in business meetings, few studies have intensiv ely explored business meetings from the perspective of rhetoric. The basic feature shared by discourse in business meetings and institutional communication is goal-driven communication. (Holmes & Stubbe, 2003; Koester,  2006). This feature gets full disp lay  in the agenda of business m eetings, which  lists  the stuf f  that  needs  to  be di scussed  or planned in the m eetings,  thus providing  an  explicit o utline  of  the  goals  of meetings.  Oftentimes,  the goa ls  of different  speakers can be conf lictive  if  participants  not  only collab orate  but also collude and even compete with each other in order to get things done. In this situation, businessmen use language to achieve their ow n goals with the intention to persuade others. 



2.1 Definition and Classification of Metadiscour