

日期:2018年03月19日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1565
论文价格:免费 论文编号:lw201111211149395688 论文字数:5431 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士课程论文 Master Assignment
count, we would appreciate if youwould nowdo so at your earliest convenience for it hasbeen outstanding for a considerable time. We therefore look forward to hearing fromyou in the near future..[9](PP.14-144)作者用According to our records这个间接缓和模糊限制语来缓和对方未付款的事实。何自然认为说话人使用间接缓和模糊限制语作为话语陈述的依据时,应该说他是不同程度地同意这个依据的,这样可使话语更具客观性。[1]很显然,作者认同对方未付款的事实,但表达得非常礼貌得体。此外,in the near future的使用也可以给对方一个回旋余地,尽管从此信函中不难得知写信人十分希望对方立即结帐。可惜,在发出第三封信后,对方仍然保持沉默。纵然如此,作者在写第四封信的时候依然用了一些含糊词语来表示礼貌。信函内容具体如下:(3)On 1stMarch thisyearwewrotetoyoudrawingyourattentiontowhatappearedtobe anunpaid accountamountingto 8.098.00 forelec-tronic equipmentsuppliedtoyoubetween10thDecember lastyear and20thJanuarythisyear. Statementsof accounthad previouslybeensenttoyouon 28th December lastyear and 28th Januarythisyear, butwe have not heard fromyou in reply. I nowenclose a further copy of yourstatement foryour easy reference.We are surprised not to have heard any reply fromyou on thismatter, but if youwishto query any datails in the statement, wewill be happyto discuss these with you. However, if the statement is in order, we will expect to receive your check in full settlement without further de-lay.[9](PP.14-144)作者依然用what appeared to be来提醒对方付款。至此,收信人仍然觉得发信人并没有把他看成是有意不付款的一位商业道德败坏的商人。当然,从写信人使用We are surprised not to的表达,对方应能推知对方含蓄表达的不满。语用含糊用于实施礼貌策略还体现在处理和回复客户的投诉