
The development of the UK market on organic food

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:4406
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw200807312110258117 论文字数:1932 所属栏目:农业经济论文
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ectiveness) on consumers' preference for, and purchase frequency of, organic meat. The results show that consumers' purchase of organic meat is based on both 'rational' economic motives and emotional motives.
From CabinetOffice, industry insiders see health and wellbeing, convenience and quality as the key consumer trends shaping the market, and price as the least significant. It is shown on figure 3.2
Figure 3.2 customer’s choice
Source : CabinetOffice, Food: an analysis of the issues
Figure 3.3 Public concern with a range of issues
Source : CabinetOffice, Food: an analysis of the issues

According to Drichoutis AC,   younger consumers, those with higher education and income who engage in nutritional label use behavior and do not prepare food for their household are more likely to have low involvement with food. Less distinctive characteristics are apparent for the highly involved consumers. Different consumer profiles are also associated with different aspects of food involvement based on importance attached to price, ease of preparation, nutrition, taste, and brand name.
On the other hand, From CabinetOffice, some younger customers still focus on the price issue on their shopping. These will influence the organic food market on these kind of consumer. The survey result shows on figure 3.4
Figure 3.4 the younger consumer who concerns about the price
Source : CabinetOffice, Food: an analysis of the issues
How to solve the problem between price and organic (or health)? The researcher found that several UK supermarkets have introduced 'value line' or 'economy line' foods to improve their attractiveness to low income consumers.
Materials and methods The costs and nutrient contents of five 'economy' line products of four major English supermarkets - Asda, KwikSave, Sainsbury and Tesco - were compared with branded (but not 'own label') equivalents. Single samples of tinned tomatoes, long-life orange juice, potatoes, sausages and white bread were purchased in each supermarket. They represented items of potential importance in relation to 'healthy' choices in the shopping baskets of low income households. Nutrients analysed were fat, sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, vitamin C, and energy.
Based on the consumer needs analyzed above, the market of organic food, is a market of differentiated, quality products and primarily requires long-term strategic policies and tools in order to establish effective market conditions.

Chapter Four. Conclusion

List of references
1.CabinetOffice, Food: an analysis of the issues .The strategy Unit, January 2008.
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4.George Baourakis, ‘Marketing trends for organic food in the 21st century’, World Scientific 2004.
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