The study of export-oriented manufacturing industry
论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
The study of export-oriented manufacturing industry
Nowadays labor cost has been an important index in the enterprise cost management. It can reduce the labor consumption, enhance the input- output ratio, and help to handle the relation among nation, enterprise and individual accurately.
Labor cost is tile reflection in cost that an enterprise invests to the human resources. In narrow sense, it shows that during the process manufacture, management and offering service, a firm has to spend all the direct and indirect expenditure because of using the labor force. It includes reward, social security, welfares, house allowance, labor insurance, training expense, pension, labor union fee and other labor payout.
On one hand, the level of the labor cost has significant connection with the business profit, production price and completion capability in market. On the other hand, labor cost also represents the essential benefit of employees, its increase or decrease will influence on the enthusiasm of the personnel while they are working. In particular, along with deepening innovation, labor cost has come down to the problem of coming off sentry duty and society stabilization. So it has become a crucial task to think over various kinds of factors synthetically in order to research the reasonable investment in labor cost.
This paper put forward a model of labor cost control for enterprise. The model achieves elasticity control from increasing state of labor cost, and achieves ratio control from level state of labor cost. Meanwhile, this paper propounds several countermeasures to strengthen labor cost control for enterprise. The final purpose of this research is to seek for effective ways to realize the goal of increasing profit and income.
[Key words] Labor cost, Control system, Elasticity control, Ratio control