

日期:2018年01月30日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1702
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201703221812233897 论文字数:27512 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
by the popularization ofCAI.Constructivism emphasizes that students are the center of the classroom teaching.The main characteristics of constructivism are in three aspects: context, cooperation andcommunication, meaning construction. The context is the prerequisite of meaningconstruction. Only in real situations, the student can learn more effectively. CAI canprovide images, audio and video. It can be combined with other media to create similarto realistic environment for the students to help students to improve the quality oflearning.MALT can provide the learners with a lot of sensory stimulation. By theintegration of voice and text it can provide students with more and better informationand objective rules and relevant knowledge. Students organize and manage a variety ofteaching information, so that it can promote the development of their associativethinking and establish the connection between the old and the new concept. So it is verybeneficial for the students to construct the meaning of the current knowledge.

Chapter three Research Methodology....... 11

3.1 Research Questions ......... 11
3.2 Settings .............. 12
3.3Research Subjects............ 12
3.4 Research Instruments ............ 13
3.5 Research Procedures ................. 14
3.6 Data Collection and Analysis ....... 15
Chapter Four Results and Discussion .......... 16

4.1 Results from the Questionnaires .......... 16

4.2 Results from the Interviews ............19

4.3 Results from the Observations......24

 Chapter Five Conclusion............35

5.1 Major findings ................35

5.2 Implications .............35

5.3 Limitations .....................39

5.4 Future Research Directions............40

Chapter FourResults and Discussion

4.1 Results from the Questionnaires

Obviously, from the form we can know that most students think the newtechnology in English class is effective. 61% students think it helps them to improvetheir interestsof learning English and the effect are pretty good. 22% students think theeffect of their interests of learning English is good, there are 17% students who think theeffect is just so so. On improving the remember ability, 67% of the students think theirremember ability has improved a lot. 16% of the students think that they improved alittle. I wonder why 3% of the students think there is no help at all. I interviewed someof them. And I got that most of them are not very good at English. They can’t rememberso much in a class. After class they don’t want to spend time in English. I worried that maybe they would lose heart. But results of improving the concentration show that 87%of the students think it is useful. No one think it is helpless. In other words, everyonelistens to the teacher and watch the white board more carefully. With the hard-working,we the reasons to believe they will make progress in English. 92% of students think it ismore helpful to watch colorful PPT than the white chalk on the blackboard.

4.2 Results from the Interviews

In order to get more detailed information about the advantages and disadvantagesin using course ware in the daily teaching, the author interviewed all the Englishteachers at Xiaode Middle school with the question directly “ what is the advantagesand disadvantages of course ware in your process of teaching?Teachers thought that the students are more active in courseware class. And theclassroom atmosphere is mere relaxing. Compared with the traditional class, the contentof a class is larger more students can be involved in class. They can easily find that thestudents’ capacity in listening and writing as well as speaking