

日期:2018年01月29日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1568
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201703112142182926 论文字数:44871 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
d effective teachers. Dai Weidong, (DaiWeidong 2001, p.72), defined the effective teaching and analyzed the factors thatinfluence effective teaching, and discussed strategies to improve teachingeffectiveness. According teaching objectives, teaching content and teaching methodsof the presentation, Zhang Lu (Zhang Lu, 2000, p.57) showed that the effectiveteaching classroom is divided into two dimensions: basic knowledge and students’development. Cui Yunkuo (Cui Yunkuo, 2001, p.46), the author of Effective Teaching:Ideas and Strategies, he described the concept of effective teaching, from theperspective of the teaching process, which discusses the teaching preparation strategyof effective teaching, implementation strategies, and assessment strategies. Thesestudies have basically reached a consensus that effective teaching refers to effective,efficient, cost-effective process, but mainly made the introduction and absorptionstudies inherited Western-based.

2.2 Teaching Strategies of English Teaching

Professor Shu (Shu, 2008, p.15) pointed out that the student’s cognitiveprocessing is composed of the students’ cognitive processing system and curriculumand teaching interaction in the teaching process. The process refers to process theinformation which is going to teach, and then input them to learner’s brain.Integration refers integrate disciplines, teaching material, teaching modules and thecontent of the same subject. Teachers reorganize, merger or compare the content andthen present them to learners. According to the former effective teaching strategyresearch, effective teaching is to realize double destinations of teaching and students’development as the standard, which is based on the dual goal of teaching and students’development, that is, on the one hand, process and integration strategy is for the sakeof better, faster, more effectively achieve the teaching goal. On the other hand, thestrategy is to reduce the fear and stress of students when they accept new knowledge,attract the students’ attention, stimulate students’ learning interest and learningmotivation, so as to promote the students to better learning and development.Therefore, when uses these teaching strategies, teachers need careful analyze teachingcontent, seek clever teaching ideas, comprehensive study the characteristics ofstudents in order to present teaching information.


3.1 Research Questions..........17

3.2 Research Design.............17


4.1 Results and Discussion of the Questionnaire for Teachers .......23

4.2 Results and Discussion of the Questionnaire for Students .........30

4.3 Results and Discussion of the Interviews for Teachers.............37
4.4 Results and Discussion of the Class Observations for Teachers...........41
5.1 Major Findings.............41
5.2 Pedagogical Implications .............43
5.3 Limitations of the Study.............43
5.4 Recommendations for Further Studies....44


4.1 Results and Discussion of the Questionnaire for Teachers

Items 8 to 9 are about teachers’ understanding of the material. 35.42% of theteachers are teaching in accordance with the order to teaching material; 14.58%teachers addsome content; 22.92% teachers depend on the circumstances to delete oradd; 27.08% teachers follow schools’ arrangement. Data show that a majority ofteachers cannot use teaching materials flexible and schools manage teachers relativelyrigid, which will undoubtedly affect teaching effectiveness.As can be seen from the abov