2.2 Theoretical Basis
Just like Beatty (2005) defined in the Computer-assisted Language Learning: “Constructivism is a humanistic model which suggests that learning is a process by which learners construct new ideas or concepts by making use of their own knowledge and experiences”. Knowledge is not an unmodified object but constructed through an individual’s own experience .Education understanding of objective things and meaning construction, pay attention to the initiative, sociality and situational learning, against the existing simple imparting of knowledge (He, 2002). Piaget regarded knowledge as a process of natural construction. With these experiences, it is possible for learners to build their schemes schemas of the world, change the structure of their old knowledge, and determine the intake of new knowledge. In a constructivism model, the learner is assumed to have a wealth of knowledge and a set of experiences before coming to the classroom. And the teacher as a helper and a guider can arouse students’ interest to generate the learning motivation, creating a practical teaching environment. It helps to Eencourage reflective thinking in learners and providing provide clues to connect some new information what that the students are already known. Just like what Glaserfeld has said, that with teaching applied with multimedia and instructed with constructivism the ory, the teacher's role is becoming more and more complex, because the teacher not only should finish the teaching contents and guide classroom activities, but also should pay attention to the classroom feedback of the use usingof the multimedia teaching . In all, constructivism not only advocates students’ subject status, but also emphasized emphasizes teacher’s auxiliary guidance function.Chapter Three Methodology ......... 21
3.1 Research Questions ........ 213.2 Research Design ............. 21
3.3 Research Procedure ........... 24
3.4 Data Collection ............. 24
Chapter Four Results and Analysis ..................... 26
4.1 Current Situation of Multimedia Application in CFLS ......... 26
4.2 Att