

日期:2018年03月15日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1610
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201512311113573219 论文字数:38569 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
language teachers and researchers. The general situation ofgrammar teaching, especially the research situation abroad will be reviewed in thefollowing part. Domestic studies on English grammar teaching in junior high schooland the methods of grammar teaching which are used in junior high school will bediscussed as well.Researches about grammar teaching at home are mainly laid on the scope ofcollege students. More empirical studies are needed to explore and improve thequality of English grammar teaching. Scholars abroad, like Rutherford (1987), statesthat, “grammar is a necessary component of any language teaching program, that’swhy it plays an important role in language teaching”. However, with the emergence ofdifferent learning theories, grammar teaching is challenged with many teachingmethods.In Krashen’s Monitor Hypothesis (1981), he believes there are differencesbetween conscious language learning and unconscious language acquisition.Language is acquired through comprehensible input instead of formal learning.Therefore, grammar teaching is considered as the process of developing declarativeknowledge of grammatical structure. It can not improve the accuracy of proceduralknowledge use.As the development of communicative language teaching approach, traditionalgrammar teaching has become overlooked. Some scholars even pointed out grammarteaching would have negative instead of positive effects on language learning(Hossein & Fotos 2004).

2.2 Theoretical Bases of English Grammar Teaching
This part mainly reviews Larsen-Freeman’s Dynamic Grammar Theory andSwain’s Comprehensible Output Hypothesis, which establishes the theoretical basesof this thesis. Also, productive tasks will be defined in this part.Larsen-Freeman challenged the traditional concepts of grammar and proposedher theory of dynamic grammar with unique definition of grammar. This partintroduces Dynamic Grammar Theory including an introduction, three-dimensionmodel and the way to teach grammar and grammaring.Grammar may be roughly defined as the way language manipulates andcombines words (or bits of words) in order to form longer units of meaning (Ur 1988).Grammar is the way in which words change themselves and group together to makesentences. The grammar of a language is what happens to words when they becomeplural or negative, or what order is used when we make questions or join two clausesto make one sentence (Harmer 1987). According to these definitions, it seems thatgrammar is commonly defined as a system of rules governing the conventionalarrangement and relationships of words in a sentence. However, Larsen-Freeman(1991) put forth Dynamic Grammar Theory (i.e. Grammaring), by which she claimsthat it would be better to think of grammar as a skill or dynamic process rather than asa static area of knowledge. That is to say, eventually grammar should be available forlearners to use rather than remains as inert knowledge, so for the purpose of teachingand learning a language, it is better to treat grammar as a skill or dynamic process.

Chapter Three Research Methodology.......20
3.1 Research Questions....20
3.2 Research Subjects.......20
3.3 Research Instruments.......21
3.3.1 Pre/ Post - Past Tense Grammar Tests.......21
3.3.2 Productive Task: Guided Writing........22
3.4 Procedure of the Experiment........23
Chapter Four DataAnalysis and Discussion....25
4.1 Results and Analysis........25
4.2 Discussion......35
Chapter Five Conclusion....40
5.1 Major Findings of the Present Study........40
5.2 Pedagogical Implications.......41
5.3 Limitations of the Study.........43
5.4 Suggestions for Future Study.......44

Chapter Four Da