

日期:2018年02月28日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1433
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201512031128507135 论文字数:38569 所属栏目:初中英语教学论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
on of vocabulary is not so simple. In 19thcentury,western linguists defined word as the smallest unit of language. They thought that wordsmade up phrases and phrases made up sentences. However, many scholars such as DavidSigleton, Halliday, and John Read, accept that defining vocabulary should start from definingword, as word is really an important part of vocabulary. Halliday and Colin Yallop say thatword is complex, “there is no single right answer to these questions, because differentdictionaries take different decisions about what to do with them”[5]and it contains three parts—lexical item, wording and world class. Then they define vocabulary by an indirect way:“Every language has a vocabulary, or ‘lexicon’, which forms one part of its grammar—or, touse a more accurate term, one part of its lexico-grammar.”[5]

2.2 Schema Theory
Nowadays, schema is not a new name for language scholars any more. From 1781, whenKant raised the concept of schema, many foreign researchers from different fields turned theirattention to it. There are different definitions of schema, but the commonly accepted one isthat schema is people’s previous knowledge and experience that are accumulated in their mind when they are growing up.[28]After years of development, in 1932 Bartlett proposedschema theory, which makes schema a system to help the scholars explain questions ofdifferent fields, such as psychology, linguistics and so on.[29]About the concept of schema, different scholars give different definition. The researchabout schema can be traced back to 1781, Kant raises the concept of cognitive schema. Hethinks that the concept itself has no meaning, but only being connected with the things thatpeople have already known.[30]Bartlett thinks that schema is the active organization ofpeople’s prior experience in mind.[29]According to D. E. Rumelhart, schema is the combinedknowledge, which has stayed in mind and the unit of expert knowledge about some field. It isthe abstract knowledge.[31]Carrell defines schema as a kind of structure of semanticmemory.[32]Just like what Rumelhart says, schema is the footprint of cognition. Allinformation’s processing must be founded on the basis of schema.[31]Actually, the listener’sor reader’s comprehension of the input materials is the result of the dynamic process betweenlinguistic schema and encyclopedic knowledge schema. H. G. Widdowson defines schema:“When people make an indexical connection, they do so by linking features of the languagewith familiar features of their world, with what is established in their minds as a normalpattern of reality or schema.”[33]

Chapter 3 Methodology.....19
3.1 Research Questions ......19
3.2 Subjects........19
3.3 Materials.......19
3.4 Instruments....20
3.4.1 Pre-test and Post-test .....20
3.4.2 Questionnaire of students......21
3.5 Research Procedures.....21
3.6 Data Collection and Analysis.......27
3.7 Summary ......28
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion ....29
4.1 Results .........29
4.2 The Effects of Schema-based Vocabulary Teaching on Students .......34
4.3 Summary ......37
Chapter 5 Conclusion .......38
5.1 Major Findings .....38
5.2 Implications for English Vocabulary Teaching ....39
5.3 Limitations of the Study and Suggestions for Further Research ........41

Chapter 4 Results and Discussion

The research data of the pre-test, the post-test and the questionnaire of the students inChapter 3 is collected and discussed in this chapter. After the analysis of the data from thetwo tests and questionnaire by SPSS19.0, the results will be discussed at the end of thischapter. Then the auth