Symbolic Significance of Egdon Heath in The Return of the Native
论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
her hand, if you are
passionate, individual and willful, you will escape, and you will die, either
of your own lack of strength to bear the isolation and the exposure, or by direct
revenge from the community---Egdon Heath, or from both [Clym Yeobright, Eustacia
Vye, Mrs. Yeobright and Damon Wildeve].
Hardy filled his mind with Darwinian thought----"a sense of Nature's 'passioned
plans for bloom and beauty marred'" .9In his "Novels of Character
and Environment", from The Return of the Native to Jude the Obscure, can
be taken as exemplification of this viewpoint, he induced to the level where
"Environment" manifest the "Character". In The Return of
the Native, I mainly expose that Characters who rebel against the Environment
(Egdon Heath), more or less, will be punished.
1.Peter Widdowson. Hardy in History: A Study in Literary Society, P. 55.
2.General Preface to the Wessex Edition of 1912, (Great Britain: Hazell Watson
&Viney Ltd., 1978).
3.Charles Leavitt. Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native, (Foreign Language
Teaching & Research Press, Simon &Schuster International Press Co.,
1997), P.2.
4.General Preface s to the Wessex Edition of 1912, (Great Britain: Hazell Watson
&Viney Ltd., 1978).
5.Peter Widdowson. Hardy in History: A Study in Literary Society, P.16.
6.Thomas Hardy. The Return of the Native, (Foreign Language Teaching & Research
Press, 1994), P.4. The following citations from the same edition will be marked
with pagination in the parentheses in the paper.