
The Use of the Situational Method in the Teaching of English Language

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:6844
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw200707040907358967 论文字数:33318 所属栏目:英语其它论文
论文地区: 论文语种:English 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis
The Use of the Situational Method in the Teaching of English Language Li Bo (Class0003, Foreign Language Department, Hubei Normal University, Huangshi, Hubei 435002) Abstract: In this paper, in order to stimulate students’ interests and enthusiasm to learn English, to make the class atmosphere lively and to make the teacher achieve effective teaching in the classroom language teaching, I develop the argument: to apply the Situational Method in the English Language Teaching, and to argue for it by means of analyzing its theory, rules and its application. In order to achieve these purposes, I relate theory to the practical teaching according to the mode: theory first, examples late. For example, to let students know what the Situation Method is, I first give them the definition of it. Next, I ask them to watch the video of classroom language teaching in which the teacher uses the method to teach English language, to ask them to have better understanding of the method based on their classroom observation. Key words: the Situation Method; the English Language Teaching; theory; practical teaching; feelings; mode; stimulate; apply 情景教学法在英语教学中的运用 李 波 (湖北师范学院外语系0003班, 湖北黄石 435002) 摘 要:在本文中,为了激发学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,使课堂气氛变得生动活泼,也为了使老师的课堂语言教学行之有效,特提出以下论点:将情景法运用于英语教学,并通过分析情景法的理论、原则和运用等来讨论情景法。为了达到这些目的,我按照“理论在前,例子在后”这一模式来将理论与实际教学相结合。例如,为了让学生们知道什么是情景法,我首先给他们讲情景法的理论概念,再让他们观看老师运用情景法教授英语的课堂语言教学录像,以便让学生们更好地理解在课堂上以观察为基础的情景法理论。 关键词:情景教学法;英语教学;理论;实际教学;情感;模式;激发;运用