

日期:2018年01月15日 编辑: 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2061
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201005012213503322 论文字数:18379 所属栏目:电气工程论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:本科毕业论文 BA Thesis

摘 要

关键词 :照度;配电;光源;负荷;
This paper described the Jinxing office building electrical systems design based on the design, design principles and methods and conclusions, which were: distribution system design, lighting design, mine grounding system design and engineering over the budget. Distribution system design include: distribution programme for the identification, electrical equipment selection, selection and arrangement of lines, load calculation; design of the lighting system include: source selection, choice of lamps, lighting and illumination choose calculation; Lightning Protection System design include: mine-building measures, in principle, the programme.
On the foundation of satisfies the electricity load which the extension part of the office building daily uses and the illumination condition, the synthesis construction and electricity design is based on some factors, such as energy conservation, environmental protection, artistic and so on. The pattern of power supplying system is TN-C-S and the power source which is buried straightly and is bring in by outdoor transformer substation. The choice of the primary illumination photo-source is the fluorescent lamp and the incandescent lamp. The quantity of the lamps is determined by the degree of illumination computation by the way of unit capacity and then carries on the reasonable arrangement to the lamps and lanterns. Computation is carried on the load by using needs the method of correlates to test the extension part of the office building. Lightning protection networks are used as the building’s anti-radar protection during the design of anti-radar. And then budgets of the entire projects are carried on at the end of the design.

Key words:illumination; distribution; light source; load;

目 录
摘 要 I
第1章 绪 论 1
1.1 建筑电气概况 1
1.2 设计原则 1
1.3 设计内容 1
第2章 照明系统设计 3
2.1 总则 3
2.2 照明光源选择 3
2.2.1照明光源选择一般原则: 3
2.2.2照明灯具选择 3
2.2.3办公照明一般设计原则 4
2.2.4本设计的光源与灯具的选择 4
2.3 应急照明设计 4
2.3.1 应急照明设计要求 4
2.3.2 本工程的应急照明灯具的选择与布置 5
2.4 灯具的布置 5
2.4.1 悬挂高度 5
2.4.2 布置方案 5
2.4.3 距高比s/h的确定 6
2.5 照度计算 6
2.5.1一层照度计算 7
2.5.2二层照度计算 10
2.5.3三层照度计算 13
第3章  供配电系统设计 15
3.1 配电方式及负荷等级 15
3.1.1 负荷等级 15
3.1.2 三级负荷的供电措施 15
3.1.3 配电系统的原则 15
3.1.4照明供电网络的接地形式 16
3.1.5照明供电网络的接线形式 16
3.1.6 本办公楼的负荷分级与供电措施 17
3.2  负荷计算 17
3.2.1 负荷计算的方法 17
3.2.2 办公楼一层照度负荷计算 17
3.2.3 二层照明负荷计算 19
3.2.4 三层照明负荷计算 20
3.3  电气设备选择 21
3.3.1照明配电箱 21
3.3.2 低压断路器选择的原则 21
3.3.3 隔离开关 22
3.3.4 插座及开关 22
3.3.5 选择结果 23
3.4管线的选择与布置 23
3.4.1导线型号及截面的选择 23
3.4.2电缆、导线的敷设 24
3.4.3选择结果 25
第4章 防雷设计 27
4.1 建筑物的防雷措施 27
4.2 基础接地安全设计 27
4.3 本办公楼的防雷接地保护措施 28
第5章 工程概算 29
5.1 工程概预算概述 29
5.2 电气工程概预算编制过程及内容 30
5.3 办公楼各楼层分部分项清单计价表 30
5.4 办公楼改扩建部分概预算 34
第6章 结论 35
参考文献 36
致 谢 37