摘 要
Interior design innovation is a hot topic for a long time, mainly for the construction of the interior design created a number of issues, such as ignoring the indoor environment characteristics and requirements, neglected architectural forms and the integrity of internal space, copied blindly copied blindly chase Trends, spelled materials for blind, blindly take orders from the Party boss and the blind pursuit of efficiency and the tendency to put the. Interior design part of the overall diversity and individuality of the development so that people can shape the design, design emotion generated a higher demand, to update the materials and forms; interior design to reflect the easy, simple, unique, romantic, Interesting, exciting and profound, simple decency and the Genesis of the advance awareness and reflect the unique, Fenghuazhengmao posture, is a fashion and interior design personalized in the development and changes of expression. Designers to play originality, use of the performance of different perspectives and performance practices, can create a kind of resilience, people do not walk through the old road. The key is to be the development of innovative interior design.
KEY WORDS: Interior Design;Development;Innovation;
前 言 1
1 建筑室内设计专业基础知识和基本建筑文化素养的重要性 1
1.1 设计观念模糊 1
1.1.1 对"环境"认识的模糊 1
1.1.2 在社会文化变革,建筑文化变革中出现的模糊观念 2
1.1.3 市场经济的冲击影响了设计创作的发展 2
1.1.4 设计施工盲目使用高档材料 3
1.2 浅析建筑材料的重要作用 3
2 室内设计的特点 4
2.1 对人们身心的影响更为直接和密切 4
2.2 对室内环境的构成因素考虑更为周密 4
2.3 室内功能的变化、材料与设备的老化与更新更为突出 4
3 现代室内设计的发展趋势 5
4 现代室内设计的误区 6
4.1 误区 6
4.2 室内设计的几点建议 7
结 论 7
参考文献 8
致 谢 9
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