

日期:2018年01月30日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1340
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201704011115079087 论文字数:38256 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
eneral review of advertisement from the perspectives ofadvertising definition, functions, and the comparative study of advertising languagecharacteristics etc.

2.1.1 Definition of Advertisement

With regard to the definition of advertisement, it seems merely about creating amessage and sending it to someone, hoping they will react in a certain way. Thedefinition from Oxford Advanced Dictionary is to tell the public about a product or aservice in order to encourage people to buy or to use it. Much as it seems to be thecase, the definition of advertisement actually is much more complicated. The word“advertisement” we refers to, is usually business advertisements, employing variousmedia such as television, radios, newspaper, posters or window displays etc, to widelyand extensively publicize a product or a service. When observed from a widerperspective, advertisements not only identify with economic sector, but also involvesocial activities, daily life and ideology and many other aspects. This study focuses only on the translation of business advertisements.


2.2 Linguistic Features of Advertisement

The promotional magic of an advertisement stems from a combination of factors:advertising language, image and sound etc, among which advertising language is themost powerful. As put by advertising master David Augwei: “Advertising is the life ofthe words”(Ligang, Libing, 2012, 35). It is estimated that 50-75 percent of theeffectiveness of an advertisement relies on advertising language. Bearing inestimableimportance, both Chinese and English advertising language should be carefully poredover prior to the translation practice. Both Chinese and English advertising language,with the purpose of stimulating and provoking customers, bears special features suchas concise, creative, distinctive and cultural conformity. This part deals with thesimilarities and differences of Chinese and English Advertising language features.

2.2.1 Similarities of Chinese and English Advertisement Languages

Advertisements in Chinese and English are the quintessence of language andadvertisers deliberate every word, in the hopes that the words exploited can influencethe target consumers both linguistically and culturally. As mentioned before, Chineseand English advertising languages bear many similarities. Based on these similarities,advertisement translation is possible to obtain. Next, the similarities of Chinese andEnglish languages are to be illustrated respectively from lexical, syntactic andrhetorical perspectives.



3.1 An Overview of Memetics................ 20

3.1.1 Definition of Meme...............…20

3.1.2 Types of Meme....................…21


4.1 Concurrent Processes of Advertisement Translation and Meme Transmission......... 39

4.2 Different Modes of Advertising Memes Transmission ...................41

CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION...................59

5.1 Major Findings.............. 59

5.2 Limitations ..............60

Chapter FourAdvertisement Translation Practice

4.1 Concurrent Processes of Advertisement Translation and MemeTransmission

With respect to advertising translation, memes are also likened to parasites, whichhave to experience four phases to to complet