2.1 Mission Statement as a Genre
The rapid development of the economy and technology give birth to the emerging of new genres, of which mission statement is one of the example. Although it is a specific type of genre, little research has been conducted on the genre analysis of mission statements. This part will make a detailed explanation of the definition, components, function and previous studies on mission statements.
2.1.1 Definition of Mission Statement
Many scholars have given their understanding of mission statement. Pearce (1982:15), in his paper The Company Mission as a Strategic Goal, argues that mission statement is an enduring statement of purpose that distinguishes one business from other similar firms. According to F.G. Boseman and A.V. Phatak analysis (1989), mission statement is the ultimate guiding force that governs where the firm’s critical resources will be deployed. An organization without a vision or mission of what it plans to be is like a ship without a direction (Russell L. Ackoff, 1987:185).
Meanwhile, the mission statement also keeps it in the frame of a specific operation area and controls this, guides and motivates all the stakeholders while informing them (Bart and Baetz, 1998:823).
2.2 Genre Analysis
2.2.1 The Definition of Genre
The word “genre” comes from French vocabulary and means “kind” or “sort”. Genre can be the category of literature, music, or other forms of art or entertainment. Based on the stylistic standard, it could be any form written or spoken, audio or visual. As the development of the society, new genres emerges constantly. Lots of studies have been done on the genre research and many scholars give the definition on the term “genre”.
According to Campbell and Jamieson (1978), a genre is a group of acts unified by a constellation of forms that recurs in each of its members. These forms, in isolation, appear in other discourses. What is distinctive about the acts in a genre is a recurrence of the forms together in constellation.
Later, Miller (1984) advances Campbell and Jamieson’s view in a number of important ways. First, she has principled reasons for extending the scope of genre analysis to types of discourse us