
学生感知商务英语教师 PCK 水平对其学业自我效能感影响的实证研究—以广外商英学院为例

日期:2018年02月01日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:1162
论文价格:150元/篇 论文编号:lw201702231108025068 论文字数:56588 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:中文 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
n students’ perception of business English teachers’ PCK is worth studying. In addition, based on Criu &Marian’s (2014) findings  on  a  positive  correlation  among  students’  perception  of  BE  teachers’  PCK, cooperation  between  teachers  and  students  and  self-efficacy  in  self-regulating,  it  is necessary to explore the relationship among them in BE teaching.

GDUFS  with  other  6  universities  (University  of  International  Business  and Economics, Shanghai University of International, Business and Economics, Shanghai University  of  Finance  and  Economics,  Heilongjiang  University,Xi’an International Studies University and Yangzhou University) were the first batch of universities being officially approved to establish the undergraduate BE program2.Up to 2014, School of English  for  International  Business  (hereinafter  called SEIB)  in  GDUFS  has successfully cultivated 3 batches of graduates of BE program. It possesses a relatively outstanding  BE  teacher  group,  among  which  100%  of  teachers  have  master  degrees and above, and 85% of professional teachers have experience of studying abroad. Its instructional  mode,  curriculum  design,  teaching philosophy  and  suchlike  have attracted  many  others  universities’  emulation  and  learning.  To  some  extent,  its program construction reflects the direction of business English development in China. Therefore,  it  is  representative  to take  SEIB  in  GDUFS  for  an  example  to  conduct studies on business English teachers’ professional development.  


Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge 
2.1.1 Defin5.1.1 Current Status of Students’ Perception of BE Teachers’ PCK ................................ 45ition of PedagChapter 

There  is  a  growing  tendency  of  researches  on  teachers’  professional  knowledge base,  especially  on  teachers’ PCK.  Teachers’  professional  knowledge  has  been conceptualized  in  various  ways.  As  a  pioneer  of  categorizing teachers’  professional knowledge, Shulman (1987) identified seven categories of them as illustrated in Table 2-1.  Among those  categories,  pedagogical  content  knowledge  is  of  special  interest because it identifies the distinctive bodies of knowledge for teaching (Shulman 1987). He  defined  PCK  as:  it  represented  the  blending  of  content  and pedagogy into  an understanding of how particular topics, problems, or issues are organized, represented, and  adapted  to  the diverse  interests  and  abilities  of  learners,  and  presented  for instruction. This definition implies that “PCK is both an external and internal construct, as it is constituted by what a teacher knows, what a teacher does, and the reasons for the  teacher’s  actions”  (Baxter  and  Lederman  1999).  Hence,  PCK  involves  both teachers’ understanding an