

日期:2018年03月07日 编辑:ad201011251832581685 作者:无忧论文网 点击次数:2053
论文价格:300元/篇 论文编号:lw201410182053471190 论文字数:35468 所属栏目:商务英语论文
论文地区:中国 论文语种:English 论文用途:硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
and more efficient. Atthe same time,the speaker realizes self-protection.

1.2 Significance of the Study

With the fast development of economy and trade, English has become a world-wideused language. Business English is getting more and more important, and it plays anirreplaceable role in helping international marketers to effectively communicate witheach other. To succeed in international business and commerce, you need a goodknowledge of English. BEC exams focus on the use of English to deal with realbusiness situations. According to the actual needs of the business work, CambridgeBusiness English Certificate examination (BEC) tests the candidates' ability to useEnglish for a wide range of work-related functions including, arrangingappointments and meetings, understanding office communication, welcomingforeign visitors, giving information about a product or service, and much more fromlistening, speaking, reading and writing. The teaching materials, "pass CambridgeBusiness English” are recommended by Cambridge ESOL Examination Center andthe Ministry of Education, published by Economic Science Publishing House. Thismaterial is based on modem business activities as the material prepared for the exam,content and examination closely linked. And it covers all the relevant businessinformation, including business articles,business correspondence letters, businessconversation and business advertisements. Business English Certificate examinationis a double inspection of business knowledge and language ability. So, the BECoffers an internationally recognized qualification in English for business purposes.More and more companies and organizations take BEC as the only measure to assessthe employee's English level.BEC is for candidates who have experience of, or are interested in entering, a rangeof business field, including marketing, production, financial services and generaloffice work. So the purpose of this thesis is to study fiizzy language in NewCambridge Business English from the following points: business articles, businesscorrespondence letters, business conversation and advertisements. The significanceof the study may be achieved as follows:Firstly, the proper employment of fuzzy language in business communication playsan important role in successful trading.Secondly, the result of this study may equip the businessmen with better knowledgeof fuzzy language so as to employ the strategy of vagueness to achieve theircommunicative success in business world.

Chapter Two Literature Review

Language plays a vital important role in human communication. In social activities,proper use of language in an effective and efficient way is an important element for asuccessful communication. Among all these communicative instruments, English isan important medium in the world and more widely used in international intercoursethan any other languages today. As one of the basic properties that exist in naturallanguage system, fuzziness makes communication more flexible and providespeople more methods to master language for communicative needs. It has drawnmuch attention of a great many linguistic researchers who put forward varioustheories and methods to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of language useitself. In this chapter, some general definitions on my subject including fuzziness,vagueness and ambiguity will be introduced in detail and the previous researches onfuzziness will be outlined.

2.1 Fuzziness of Language

FuzzinessAccording to Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (Crystal, 1991),the definitionof "fuzzy" means "blur or indistinct, especially in shape or outline." While fuzzinessis a term derived from mathematics and used by some linguists to indicate theindeterminacy involved in the analysis of a linguistic unit